Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
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The Wisconsin Partisan Primary is only one week away! (August 14th, 2018)

outline of person putting ballet in voting box.

Why vote in the primary?

National elections for President usually get the most attention, but it is often the people who are elected to the State Legislature and County Board whose decisions have the most impact on your daily life. Despite all the money in politics, elections still come down to votes, so YOUR VOTE MATTERS!

  • Find your polling place and see a sample ballot here. An accepted Wisconsin photo ID card is required to vote. Find out more about this.
  • Are you looking for unbiased candidate information? Look no further than the League of Women Voter’s informative voter guide where you can see candidate’s stances on issues and much more! Visit and enter your address to see every candidate on your ballot at least down through the State Assembly Representative level.
  • Need help with a voting question? Call the Wisconsin Elections Commission toll free at:1-866-VOTE-WIS/1-866-868-3947
  • For help with disability related voting questions or help filing a complaint, call the Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline: 844-DIS-VOTE/ 844-347-8683

Know Your Voting Rights!

You have the right to:

  • Vote privately and independently
  • Accessible polling place with voting machines for voters with disabilities

As a voter with disabilities you may either:

  • Seek assistance from workers at the polling place who have been trained to use the accessible voting machine or
  • Bring someone to help you vote
  • Request curbside voting if you cannot enter the polling place due to a disability on Election Day.