Contact Us

Contact Us

Looking for help?

Fill out our Online Assistance Request Form or 

Go to How to Contact Us for Help for more options.

If you are a current client or you need to contact us for another reason

There are several ways that you can reach DRW:

By Fax at 833-635-1968

If you don't agree with DRW's decision about whether it can help you or you have a complaint about the services you received, we first encourage you to speak with a supervisor about your concerns. If this doesn't solve the problem or you do not wish to speak with a supervisor, you can file a grievance.  Find out how to file a grievance.

Office Locations


1502 West Broadway
Suite 201
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: 608-267-0214


6737 W. Washington St.
Suite 3230
Milwaukee, WI 53214
Phone: 414-773-4646

DRW Programs