Disability Pride Fest 2024, La Crosse

Calendar, coffee cup and pen and paper sit on a table; scene is labeled Events.


2024 is the third year of La Crosse’s Disability Pride Fest! Celebrate the strengths and talents of people with disabilities in the community on July 20. There will be presentations, performances, and other fun activities for people of all ability levels.

Disability Rights Wisconsin will have an outreach table, so come by and talk to us about our services and how we can help you.

Event Information

Date and Time: July 20, 2024 | 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location: La Crosse Logan High School, 1500 Ranger Dr, La Crosse, WI

Event Link: Facebook Event Page

Available Accommodations:

  • Sign language interpreters
  • Easy-to-understand information
  • Accessible bathrooms
  • Quiet space