Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.

Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving – Public Input Sought

Woman pushing someone in wheelchair, facing outdoor scenery

The Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving was created to support and strengthen the direct care workforce, increase access to care, and improve the quality of caregiving in Wisconsin. The Task Force welcomes input from family caregivers, professional caregivers, health care providers and other citizens interested in improving working conditions for individuals who care for people with disabilities and older adults, leading to a better quality of care for the people they serve.

The Task Force on Caregiving is asking for public input through a Public Input Session on June 29th and an Online Survey on draft policy proposals to help support and strengthen the direct care workforce, increase access to care, and improve the quality of caregiving in Wisconsin. The Task Force wants feedback from people in Wisconsin with a wide range of perspectives and experience, including family caregivers, paid direct support professionals, people receiving care, communities of color, and people living in urban and rural settings.

Disability Rights Wisconsin Attorney Bill Crowley is a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving.