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Mental Health Advocates Needed: Join the PAIMI Advisory Council

scrabble pieces spelling out the words mental health

About the PAIMI Advisory Council

The DRW PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) is seeking new members who want to advance positive change for the rights of Wisconsinites with mental health diagnoses.

DRW’s PAIMI program protects the human and civil rights of children and adults with serious mental health conditions. PAIMI stands for Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness. DRW’s PAIMI advocacy is supported by a PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC).

DRW’s PAC members come from around the state. They educate our board and staff about issues facing people with mental health disabilities in Wisconsin. They also inform and involve the community in DRW’s mental health advocacy work. The Council is chaired by Tiffany Stark of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Join Us

There are openings on the Council for people with lived experience who receive mental health services, family members, a mental health professional, and a provider of mental health services.

We are especially interested in candidates who reflect Wisconsin’s racial and ethnic diversity, and candidates from Fox Valley, western and northern Wisconsin, or other areas not currently represented.

Interested candidates should complete and submit their application to Applications received by February 1st, 2024 will be given priority.

To learn more about serving on the Council or to apply: