Disability Rights Wisconsin applauds the full Assembly for passing SB 527 which makes common-sense changes to Wisconsin’s seclusion and restraint law. We especially thank Representatives Quinn and Considine for their leadership in the Assembly on this bill. Please see our Release on the Passing of SB 527. In February 2016, Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT), Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW), and WI FACETS produced a report Miles to Go detailing the distressingly high data on restraint and…
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:
email media@drwi.org.
For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or lisah@drwi.org.
DRW Testimony AB 898 – Voting after Registration

DRW provided testimony regarding AB 898 at the February 13th Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections hearing. DRW’s testimony shared our concern about the provision in AB 898 which would require voters who register to vote electronically or by mail, to vote for the first time after such registration, in person at the polling place or by in-person absentee ballot. Lack of access to transportation, accessibility issues at Wisconsin polling places, and fluctuating symptoms or…
Census Guide for People with Disabilities

Every 10 years, the US government counts everyone in the country. We will have a census in 2020. The census asks one person in every household to answer a few questions. You can answer the questions online, by phone, or by mail. The census is very important for you to complete. Census results are used by federal, state and local government to make funding decisions for services and programs important to people with disabilities. In…
2019 Act 88 will increase access to mental health services for WI children

On February 5th, Governor Evers signed into law 2019 Wisconsin Act 88, which ensures reimbursement for clinical consultations with a parent on behalf of a student under the age of 21 in the Medicaid program. DRW’s Phyllis Greenberger has been a part of efforts to add consultation as a Medicaid benefit for children, and attended the bill signing today. These consultation services help to increase access to mental health services for Wisconsin children.
DRW Testimony on AB 786 – Creating a Guardian Training Requirement

The Assembly Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Assembly Bill 786 – Creating a Guardian Training Requirement. This bill would create a modest requirement that volunteer and noncorporate guardians receive basic training in the areas in which they will be expected to exercise decision-making prior to accepting appointment. As the Protection and Advocacy agency for people with disabilities, we are frequently contacted about conflicts between wards and guardians. Based on that experience, there is a…
Deaf Woman Denied Right to Interpreter in Court Takes Case to WI Supreme Court

Madison, Wis. – Attorney Susan R. Tyndall of Habush Habush & Rottier S.C. is acting as counsel, filing a “friend of the court” brief in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, for several organizations championing the rights of citizens with handicaps, Amicus Curiae Disability Rights Wisconsin, National Disability Rights Network and National Association of the Deaf, in a case considering individuals’ rights to an interpreter in court and to a meaningful appeal. Read the rest of this…
DRW congratulates Governor Evers for his efforts on behalf of people with disabilities

In his State of the State speech last night, Governor Evers highlighted two important legislative successes last year for people with disabilities and he identified an important priority for the coming year. One of these successes was a bipartisan effort resulting in the passage of Wisconsin Act 48, which changed a polling place rule that was a barrier to some people with disabilities. We were pleased that the Governor recognized DRW’s and advocacy partners’ successful…
DRW applauds passage of SB 527 Seclusion and Restraint Law

Disability Rights Wisconsin Applauds Senate for Approving the Common Sense Changes to the Seclusion and Restraint Law Disability Rights Wisconsin thanks the Senate for passing the common-sense changes to the seclusion and restraint law in SB 527. We especially thank Senator Olsen for his leadership in authoring the changes to this law, and all the time and effort over the last five years from his office. In February 2016, Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT), Disability Rights…
Disability Advocacy Day- Save the Date!

Please Save the Date for Disability Advocacy Day! Tuesday, March 24, 2020 Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, One John Nolen Drive, Madison, WI Sponsored by Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations Here is the flyer for this event (accessible pdf). Disability Advocacy Day is designed to connect you with your legislators so you can talk about issues that matter to you. You are the expert in sharing how legislative policies affect people with disabilities…
An Accessible 2020 Census

A fair and accurate decennial census is crucial for people with disabilities—and, indeed, for every person in the United States. Your responses to the 2020 Census will help determine how many seats in Congress each U.S. state will receive, influence where the boundaries of legislative, school, and voting districts are drawn, and guide the allocation of $1.5 trillion federal funds. How can you be prepared? You can support a fair and accurate 2020 Census by…
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