
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

Speakers Task Force on Suicide Prevention Reports

Speaker's Task Force logo - Outline of Wisconsin with a round life preserver in the center
The Speakers Task Force on Suicide Prevention has issued an interim report with policy recommendations. The report contains a brief description of hearings held by the task force throughout the state, explains the recommended legislation that was drafted in response to the testimony and discussion at those hearings, and identifies topics that the task force may continue to explore as the legislative session proceeds. A list of task force members is attached as an appendix…
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Disability Groups Promote Voter Registration

Front of Disability Vote Coalition postcard for 2020 Elections in English
September 24th is National Voter Registration Day.  DRW and the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition are working to increase participation of Wisconsinites with disabilities in the electoral process including voter registration. To promote voter registration in the disability community, we have launched a postcard campaign. Disability Vote Coalition postcards include dates for the 2020 elections, information about voter registration and Photo ID requirements, and where to call for help. Postcards are ideal to share at community…
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Governor Evers makes appointments to Task Force on Caregiving

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
Governor Evers has made appointments to the Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving. The Task Force was created in February when Evers created Executive Order #11. The Governor created the Task Force in an effort to address the workforce shortage in caregivers, an issue that was discussed as part of the state budget. Congratulations to DRW’s Bill Crowley who was appointed by Governor Evers to serve on the Task Force. The Task Force is charged with:…
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DRW Supports SB 89 to Establish Dental Therapists

Dentist wearing mask and eye gear, working on a patient
DRW submitted testimony in support of Senate Bill 89 which would expand the pool of professionals that can provide basic dental care, by establishing Dental Therapists in Wisconsin. Dental Therapists could help to address dental care access issues faced by people with disabilities and other under-served populations. Access to dental care is a major concern for many Wisconsinites who have a disability, resulting in many preventable extractions, a high incidence of periodontal disease, and other…
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BPDD’s SPARKS grants now available!

Group of people wearing Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition t-shirts
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD) is seeking applications for their SPARKS Grants. The purpose of SPARKS Grants is to organize local grassroots groups to make changes in their communities that make the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) better, including individuals with diverse identities and/or individuals that are under-served. Grassroots community organizing means groups that are led by individuals with disabilities together with their allies, who are working…
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Small Talk About Medicare

Pile of buttons with stars and stripes that say Medicare
Help with Medicare Part D costs If Medicare Part D costs are getting expensive, you may be able to get help. For those with lower income, you can apply at Social Security for “extra help” to pay for Part D plan premiums, copays, and deductibles. Anyone with Medicaid is automatically eligible for help with Medicare Part D premiums, copays, and deductibles. Call the Disability Rights Wisconsin Medicare Part D helpline at 1-800-926-4862 for more information….
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Wisconsin Celebrates National Disability Voter Registration Week

Button labeled Disability with wheelchair logo and button labeled Voter registration with stars and stripes
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is proud to announce National Disability Voter Registration Week from July 15 to 19. The week is part of the “REV UP” campaign, a national, nonpartisan effort to increase the participation of people with disabilities in the electoral process and to ensure accessibility of the voting process. The Coalition will be holding events in Milwaukee, Eau Claire, and Madison throughout the week. The disability community, members of the public, and…
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DRW Commends Key Budget Investments and Notes Unmet Needs

Wisconsin State Capitol
On July 3rd, Governor Evers signed into law the budget passed by the Wisconsin Legislature. DRW’s statement on the budget commends key budget investments that will benefit Wisconsinites with disabilities, and also notes unmet needs, including the failure to adequately fund special education services. Read DRW’s statement here.
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WI Deaf community to gain expanded protection when sign language bill becomes law

Wisconsin State Capitol
Congratulations to Wisconsin Association of the Deaf and other advocates who worked to advance the passage of AB 250, which provides for a more appropriate scope of practice for sign language interpreters in the state, gives more protections for members of the Deaf community, and helps address the level of access. AB 250 also helps attract new and retain current sign language interpreters by increasing access to sign language interpreter licensure exams in Wisconsin. DRW…
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DRW Comments on Renewal of Family Care Waiver

Family Care - Options for Long-Term Care logo
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is planning to submit requests to renew the 1915(b) and 1915(c) Family Care waivers for the Family Care program to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These waivers give Wisconsin options to provide Medicaid services in home and community-based settings and through managed care. Disability Rights Wisconsin has submitted comments to DHS regarding the proposed changes for the Family Care waiver.  Read “DRW Comments on Renewal…
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