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For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

DRW Statement on the Budget Approved by Finance Committee

Wisconsin State Capitol
The Joint Committee on Finance has completed its work on the State Budget. Disability Rights Wisconsin has released a statement on the budget approved by the Joint Finance Committee, noting the positive investments for people with disabilities, and the missed opportunities to help people with disabilities to have healthy, active lives as contributing members of their communities. The budget now moves to the State Assembly and Senate for approval, with voting expected the week of…
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Survival Coalition Call-in Days: State Budget

phone handset ringing
Survival Coalition Call-in Days: what to keep, change, and add to the state budget for people with disabilities The Joint Finance Committee has finished its work; the state budget must now be approved or amended further by the full State Senate and State Assembly. This is an important time to be in touch with your State Senator and Assembly Representative about your priorities for the state budget. Survival Coalition is hosting call-in days this Tuesday, Wednesday,…
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DRW supports AB250 to improve ASL interpreter certification

Woman signing for another person.
On Tuesday, June 4, 2019, the Committee on Workforce Development will hold a hearing on AB 250—a bill to change and improve the certification of American Sign Language interpreters. The bill will create standards for interpreters in different technical situations that often require accurate interpretation of complex or sensitive information, such as legal, mental health and medical settings. Stakeholders have been deeply involved in the development of this bill. DRW submits testimony to support AB…
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Assembly Committee Advances Voting Bill – AB168

Barbara Beckert holding a Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition t-shirt and Ramsey Lee
On May 29th, AB 168 was passed unanimously by the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections. Disability Rights Wisconsin supported this bill which would clarify the requirement for stating name and address prior to voting. Under the bill, if a voter is unable to state his or her name and address, the voter may present his or her identification to the election official. The election official, or another person selected by the voter, must…
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DRW Disappointed with Joint Finance Committee Vote

Wisconsin State Capitol
On May 9th, the Joint Committee on Finance met for the first time to vote on the proposed 2019 – 2021 state budget. The Committee voted to remove Medicaid Expansion from the Governor’s Budget. The joint finance committee voted against it 11-4, along party lines. Disability Rights Wisconsin is disappointed by the Joint Finance Committee vote to remove Medicaid expansion from the Governor’s budget proposal. DRW has supported Medicaid expansion. Many people with disabilities, older…
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Update on the State Budget and Medicaid Expansion

DRW staff standing with Governor Evers
DRW has supported Medicaid expansion in the state budget, because it will benefit people with disabilities by providing access to critical services, helping to address the caregiver crisis and leveraging $1.6 billion in additional funding for vital services. Last night, the legislature’s budget writing committee announced they plan to remove Medicaid expansion from the budget; this removes the funding source for many investments that would positively impact people with disabilities and older adults. It is…
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DRW Commends Signing of SB 19

Governor Evers holding up signed bill sitting at table surrounded by people standing
Disability Rights Wisconsin commends the signing of SB 19 which removes offensive languages about Wisconsinites with intellectual disabilities from administrative rules. DRW Executive Director Lea Kitz attended the bill signing; SB 19 moved forward with unanimous support and is the very first bill signed by Governor Evers. DRW thanks Representative Jagler and Senator Fitzgerald for their leadership advancing this policy change, and thanks Governor Evers for signing SB 19 into law. We look forward to…
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DRW Testimony to Assembly Committee on Campaigns & Elections

Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections public hearing
On Tuesday April 24th, the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections held a Public hearing on AB 168. This bill would require changes to Wisconsin’s requirement for voters to speak their name and address to receive a ballot. AB 168 will permit individuals who cannot state their name and address due to disability to have an election official or another individual selected by the voter state the name and address for them. Under current Wisconsin…
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DRW State Budget Recommendations

Wisconsin State Capitol
Disability Rights Wisconsin has reviewed the Governor’s budget for proposals that may be important to people with disabilities and their families. There is one more opportunity to weigh in on the Governor’s Budget at the Joint Finance Hearing in Green Bay on April 24th at University of Wisconsin Green Bay, University Union, Phoenix Rooms. This is an important opportunity to share your priorities for the budget with policymakers. You can also send your comments to…
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DRW Celebrates Governor’s Announcement on Caregiving Task Force

Tony Evers, Chris L'Heureux, Kit Kerschensteiner, Lea Kitz, and Bill Crowley at Governor's office.
Disability Rights Wisconsin attended Governor Evers’ signing of an Executive Order to form a Caregiving Task Force on strengthening the direct care workforce and supporting families providing care for their loved ones. The Task Force will study caregiver recruitment and retention, compensation and benefits, access to healthcare, and provider registries. Wisconsin has been a leader in developing innovative ways to support people of all ages with disabilities in the community. Lea Kitz, Executive Director said,…
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