Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.

Your Ideas Needed- Complete Survey on Milwaukee County BHD Budget

Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force logo

The Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force needs to hear from you.  Please complete this survey to share your priorities for the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division Budget.  The next BHD/ Milwaukee County budget will be challenging due to decreases in revenue.  BHD and other departments are facing a significant reduction in tax levy.  What services should be prioritized?  Are there opportunities to save money or bring in new revenue?

Share your perspective.  Survey results will be shared with the Mental Health Board, BHD and DHHS leadership, and the County Executive.

Complete the survey ASAP and no later than close of business Thursday June 11:

Thanks for sharing your perspective!  We also ask you to share the survey with your network – we especially seek input from those who receive BHD services.