Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.

Our Programs

All Our Programs

Going Beyond Our Core Protection and Advocacy

Over the years, Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) has expanded the scope of its work beyond the core Protection and Advocacy (P&A) services to include other programs that support a variety of needs for people with disabilities.  These programs are funded through state and federal contracts or grants. Check our Protection and Advocacy Program for more info on our core Protection and Advocacy Services.

Disability Benefits Specialist Program Support and Training

Our Disability Benefits program attorneys support and train Disability Benefits Specialists from Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC's) who help people understand their benefits and get the benefits they need.

Prescription Drug Benefits and Medicare Part D

DRW operates a statewide helpline, the Medicare Part D Disability Drug Benefit Helpline, to help people with disabilities and their families or guardians with Medicare Part D.

Family Care and IRIS Ombudsman Program

Our Ombudsmen can help people navigate the Family Care and IRIS programs so they can stay in their homes and get the supports they need to remain independent.  Our program serves people age 18 - 59.

SSI Managed Care External Advocacy Project

This project provides assistance and advocacy to people who are in SSI-related Medicaid HMOs and have questions or need help with issues relating to their medical benefits or care, or their non-emergency medical transportation services (NEMT).

Victim Advocacy Program

DRW provides support to victims of crime with disabilities and their families to ensure they understand and know how to exercise their rights while working within the criminal and civil justice systems.

Program Materials and Resources

View brochures and flyers about Disability Rights Wisconsin's various programs. All materials listed in this section are screen-reader accessible, and large print versions are available where possible.