Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW
Medicaid Expansion Leads to Higher Employment
A new study found there is a higher rate of employment among people with disabilities in states where Medicaid has been expanded. People with disabilities are…
The Wisconsin Partisan Primary is only one week away! (August 14th, 2018)
Why vote in the primary? National elections for President usually get the most attention, but it is often the people who are elected to the…
Provide Feedback on the Children’s Long-Term Services Waiver Program
If you participate in the Wisconsin Children’s Waiver Program or are on a wait list, you have an opportunity to provide feedback! The Wisconsin Department…
DRW Commends Proposed Increase in Special Education Funding
For Immediate Release July 30th, 2018 Contact: Sally Flaschberger, Sally.flaschberger@drwi.org; (414)292-2737 Barbara Beckert; Barbara.beckert@drwi.org; (414) 773-4646 Madison, WI- Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) is encouraged to…
Upcoming Elections Information Postcard
DRW and the Wisconsin Disability Voting Coalition work to support full participation of voters with disabilities in the electoral process, and educate the disability community…
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