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Our Vision

All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

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Now Hiring: Advocacy Specialist, Victim Advocacy Program

DRW is seeking an Advocacy Specialist for our Victim Advocacy Program! This new position will work to ensure that survivors with disabilities receive the advocacy,…
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A judge's gavel rests on top of a book. A scales of justice is in the background.

Absentee Ballot Return Assistance for the Nov 8th Election

A federal court has affirmed the right of voters with disabilities to use ballot return assistance. Disability Rights Wisconsin is receiving questions from disabled voters…
Read more... about Absentee Ballot Return Assistance for the Nov 8th Election
A book is open on a desk with a magnifying glass on top of it and a scales of justice in the background.

New Guardianship and Voting Resources

In Wisconsin, people under guardianship retain the right to vote unless the court expressly removes that right. Wisconsin residents who have lost the right to…
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Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background

How I Got My Right to Vote Back: A Message from Jennifer Kratsch

In this video, self-advocate Jennifer Kratsch shares how she got her right to vote back. In Wisconsin, people under guardianship retain the right to vote…
Read more... about How I Got My Right to Vote Back: A Message from Jennifer Kratsch
Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background

Now Hiring: Supervising Attorney, Communities and Institutions Team

  DRW is seeking a Supervising Attorney for our Communities and Institutions Team to provide team leadership and coordination for individual and systemic work. This is…
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