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All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

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Now Hiring: Family Care and IRIS Program Ombudsman

Disability Rights Wisconsin is now hiring for a Family Care and IRIS Program (FCIOP) Ombudsman. This position is being advertised as full-time and is available anywhere…
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Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background

Disabled Voters Speak Out on Absentee Ballot Return Assistance Prohibition

The Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling on absentee ballot return assistance will disenfranchise some voters with disabilities. This story and a video in today’s Milwaukee Journal…
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Calendar with March 31, 2022 circled, accompanied by text "It's not too late!". Other text is described in post.

Medicare General Enrollment Period Reminder

The COVID-19 emergency may end this year. If it does, Wisconsin Medicaid rules will change. If you are over the age of 65 and getting…
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Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background

March 9th Wisconsin Election Committee Public Testimony

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition provided public comments at the March 9th meeting of the Wisconsin Election Commission in support of the voting rights of…
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A Black student looks at the red double doors of the school entrance, with their back to the viewer.

DRW Statement on Senate Education Votes

On March 8th, the Wisconsin legislature declined to take up the opportunity to use a portion of the state’s $3.8 billion budget surplus to provide…
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