Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

DRW Commends Governor Evers’s Mental Health Budget Initiatives
Today, Governor Evers shared his proposal to expand BadgerCare and to invest over $150 million in mental health and behavioral health services. Disability Rights Wisconsin…

Medicare Minutes: I Missed the Annual Enrollment Period – What Next?
Learn about the Annual Medicare Enrollment Period and what you can do if you miss the enrollment period. This video is presented in collaboration between…

DRW Statement on Governor’s Investments in Children, Families, Caregivers
DRW commends Governor Evers’ budget proposals investing in Wisconsin children, families and caregivers. The proposed $600 million package includes many of the recommendations form the…

Survival Coalition releases Survey: Preserving Disability Supports Across the Lifespan after COVID
Media, policymakers and the public are invited to a virtual press event Thursday, Feb. 11, at 10 a.m. that will share findings from the survey,…

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidate Forum
Be prepared for the April election! Join the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition to hear from the candidates running for Wisconsin State Superintendent. The State Superintendent…
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