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Our Vision

All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

Calendar, coffee cup and pen and paper sit on a table; scene is labeled Events.

Tuesday February 18th Spring Primary Election

February 18th is a primary election for Wisconsin State Supreme Court, and for local races such as Circuit Court Judge, County Executive or School Board….
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Calendar, coffee cup and pen and paper sit on a table; scene is labeled Events.

Listening Session in Janesville

Join Us for a Listening Session Come share your ideas for the future of disability advocacy and the issues that need to be addressed in…
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Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background

DRW Testimony AB 898 – Voting after Registration

DRW provided testimony regarding AB 898 at the February 13th Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections hearing. DRW’s testimony shared our concern about the provision…
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front page of DVC census guide for people with disabilities

Census Guide for People with Disabilities

Every 10 years, the US government counts everyone in the country.  We will have a census in 2020.  The census asks one person in every…
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Governor Evers signing bill at table with group standing around him

2019 Act 88 will increase access to mental health services for WI children

On February 5th, Governor Evers signed into law 2019 Wisconsin Act 88, which ensures reimbursement for clinical consultations with a parent on behalf of a…
Read more... about 2019 Act 88 will increase access to mental health services for WI children

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