Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

New Study on Transportation in Wisconsin
Access to transportation is one of the top concerns for Wisconsinites with disabilities. A recent report, Arrive Together shows how people’s needs are not being…

Healthcare Groups Remain Concerned about Proposed Medicaid Oversight Changes
Wisconsin Health News covers the reaction of healthcare and disability groups to changes to Medicaid waivers approved by the State Legislature this week. DRW is quoted…

DRW Files Complaint Against Racine Unified School District
Disability Rights Wisconsin filed a group complaint against the Racine Unified School District in December 2018. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction found the District…

DRW PAIMI Advisory Council Meets
DRW’s PAIMI Advisory Council met in Milwaukee on Friday March 29th. Council Chair Teresa Wargo welcomed 5 new Council members, and the Council discussed plans…

State Budget Hearings – Make Your Voice Heard
The State Budget process is moving forward. We encourage you to take an active role and share your budget priorities with your legislators and with…
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