Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

Adaptive Telephone Equipment Opens up Communication
Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP) is a statewide program that helps people with disabilities buy adaptive telephone equipment that they need to live independently. Our…

Affordable Housing for Adults with Disabilities
Wisconsin Public Radio talks to parents and advocates about housing options and supports for adults with disabilities, and how families are planning for transitioning to…

Lawmakers Propose To Rid State Administrative Code Of “The R-Word”
Representative John Jagler discusses his and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald’s proposal to remove the phrase “mental retardation” from Wisconsin administrative code and replace it…

DRW office closings due to the weather
Due to the severe weather, DRW offices are closed on Tuesday 1/29, Wednesday 1/30 and Thursday 1/31. Staff will be monitoring calls and communications during…

DRW Responds to Governor’s State of the State Address
This week Governor Evers gave the State of the State address for Wisconsin. Some of the key themes were an increase in funding for special…
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