Read the accessible Disability Rights and Resources for the April 4th Elections document. Tuesday, April 4th is Election Day in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters with disabilities to cast a ballot and participate in our democracy. The Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) Voter Hotline is available to answer your voting questions. Contact the Hotline at 844-347-8683 or See our website at for Rides to the Polls, a list of transportation providers…
Press Releases
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:
For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or
Disability Rights Wisconsin Announces Send-Off of Executive Director

View the accessible and full press release here (PDF). March 22, 2023 Contact: (Madison) – Disability Rights Wisconsin’s Board of Directors announces the resignation of the Executive Director, Lea Kitz. “Under Lea’s leadership, DRW has increased the organization’s capacity to reach our critical mission of advocating for people with disabilities and bringing about important systemic changes in policy. We are sorry to see her go and are very grateful for her commitment to the…
Disability Rights and Resources for the February 21st Election

View and share the full press release here (accessible PDF). Tuesday, February 21, is Election Day in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters with disabilities to cast a ballot and participate in our democracy. The Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) Voter Hotline is available to answer your voting questions. Contact the Hotline at 844-DIS-VOTE/ 844-347-8683 or On Election Day, staff from DRW and Centers for Independent Living will conduct polling place accessibility reviews on behalf of…
DRW Commends Positive Budget Initiatives for People with Disabilities

Read DRW’s full press release as a document here (accessible PDF). Disability Rights Wisconsin, Wisconsin’s Protection and Advocacy system for people with disabilities, is heartened by Governor Evers’ attention to initiatives important to children and adults with disabilities in the 2023 – 2025 biennial budget. “We are pleased that Governor Evers has included budget proposals that are essential to children and adults with disabilities,” stated DRW Executive Director Lea Kitz. “We look forward to working…
State Budget Funding Hope for Students with Disabilities

Read the full press release as an accessible PDF here. Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) appreciates the education funding proposals announced yesterday by Governor Evers in advance of tonight’s state budget address. The prospect of providing 60% funding for disability-related education needs in both years of the biennium would brighten the futures of students both with and without disabilities. “Wisconsin’s public schools statewide have had a funding gap of over a billion dollars per year when…
Disability Rights Wisconsin Encouraged by State of the State

Disability Rights Wisconsin is encouraged by Governor Evers’ focus on initiatives important to children and adults with disabilities in the 2023 State of the State address including investments in mental health, education, and shared revenue. As the budget moves forward, we look forward to working with legislators and Governor Evers to address the long-term care workforce crisis, increase access to accessible transportation, expand access to community based mental health services, address the needs of youth…
Disability Rights and Resources for the November 8th Election

Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters with disabilities to cast a ballot and participate in our democracy. The Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) Voter Hotline is available to answer your voting questions. Contact the Hotline at 844-DIS-VOTE/ 844-347-8683 or On Election Day, staff from DRW and Centers for Independent Living will conduct polling place accessibility reviews on behalf of the Wisconsin Election Commission. View press release…
Absentee Ballot Return Assistance for the Nov 8th Election

A federal court has affirmed the right of voters with disabilities to use ballot return assistance. Disability Rights Wisconsin is receiving questions from disabled voters who need assistance mailing or delivering their absentee ballots. These practices were restricted in the April and August elections because of litigation. An August 31st court order clarified that federal law protects the right of all disabled Wisconsin voters to receive assistance from a person of their choice to mail…
Statement from DRW on US District Court Western District Ruling

Disability Rights Wisconsin welcomes today’s order from Chief US District Judge James Peterson in Carey v. WEC. Judge Peterson confirms the federal rights of the four plaintiffs and of all disabled Wisconsin voters to receive assistance in returning their absentee ballots so that they can vote without fear that their ballots will be rejected or that they will be sanctioned. View an accessible PDF of the full statement here. Resources: Wisconsin Voters speak out: “Our…
DRW Awarded $600,000 Grant to Represent Survivors with Disabilities

Disability Rights Wisconsin is very pleased to announce that its Victim Advocacy Program (VAP) will be able to expand its legal representation in the areas of family law, victim’s rights, and immigration. The United States Department of Justice announced Thursday that it would award the VAP a 3-year Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grant to provide comprehensive civil legal services to survivors with disabilities who have experienced domestic violence, sexual abuse, dating violence, or…
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