Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.

Be Prepared for The Big Share 2024!

The Big Share logo, with the text 10th anniversary below it.

The Big Share Kicks Off Tonight!

The Big Share kicks off tonight at 6:00 p.m. and continues all day on March 5. We hope that you are excited to support Disability Rights Wisconsin and that you have set a time during your day to contribute to our goal to raise $12,000 over the next 24 hours. We have already raised almost $1600!

Learn about Disability Rights Wisconsin’s Impact on Wisconsinites with Disabilities

Please check out our videos to learn what we do and how we have impacted the lives of people with disabilities and their families throughout Wisconsin.

Words from Our Executive Director: Jill Jacklitz

Jill Jacklitz, DRW's Executive DirectorHear from our new Executive Director, Jill, about how Disability Rights Wisconsin steps in to support Wisconsinites with disabilities in pursuing dignity, equality, and self-determination!

You can watch Jill speak via Youtube here.



Words from Our Past Clients: Savanna and Nancy

Savanna and Nancy, smiling in their Big Share 2024 VideoHear how Disability Rights Wisconsin’s advocacy impacted Savanna and Nancy’s efforts with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and how that led to Savanna’s success in her job.

Watch Savanna and Nancy speak via Youtube here.



Words from Our Public Policy Manager: Lisa Hassenstab

Lisa Hassenstab, DRW's Public Policy managerHear from Disability Rights Wisconsin’s Public Policy Manager, Lisa Hassenstab, as she speaks on our recent policy work and her role in advocating for people with disabilities in decisions made by Wisconsin’s legislature!

Watch Lisa speak via Youtube here.


How can I support DRW?

We encourage you to contribute anytime over the next 24 hours, but highly suggest that you plan to make your contribution on March 5 during our DRW Power Hour from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Our sponsors, Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC), Madison Partners, and our Executive Director, Jill Jacklitz have provided a $3500 match!

Support Disability Rights Wisconsin via our Big Share 2024 Campaign here!