Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.

DRW is open and continues to offer services during the COVID-19 crisis

Yes we're open sign on door

Disability Rights Wisconsin is open and continues to offer services during the COVID-19 crisis, no matter how long the Safer at Home order is in place.  Though our physical offices are closed, all programs are active and protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities across the state.  DRW can provide help on issues related to having a disability and accessing your rights or supports.  Our programs include:

  • Protection and Advocacy System
    • Communities and Institutions
    • Schools and Education
    • Civil Rights
    • Access to Voting
  • Victim Advocacy Program
  • Family Care and IRIS Ombudsman Program
  • SSI Managed Care External Advocacy Program
  • Med D Helpline
  • Disability Benefits Specialist Support Attorneys


To reach us from anywhere in Wisconsin, just call 800-928-8778 or send a confidential email to  You can also write a letter to:

Disability Rights Wisconsin
ATTN: Intake
1502 West Broadway, Suite 201
Madison, WI  53713

Please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help with a disability-related concern.  If you contact us, you will be connected with an intake specialist who will ask you questions about your issue to see if DRW can help you.

During this time, Disability Rights Wisconsin is advocating for public policy that protects individuals with disabilities.  To follow DRW’s work and receive the most up-to-the-minute information, you can check out our website at and sign up for our news alerts!  You can also find resources related to COVID-19 on our special webpage: