
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

Americans with Disabilities Act 31st Anniversary

Celebrate the ADA31 (1990-2021) Americans with Disabilities Act - July 26, 2021
The Americans with Disabilities Act The 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is July 26th.    The ADA was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, and is one of America’s most comprehensive pieces of civil rights legislation. The ADA prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstream of American life: to enjoy equality of opportunity, full participation,…
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Celebrate Disability Pride Month

Rectangular crop of the Disability Pride Flag, designed by Ann Magill. A charcoal grey/almost-black flag crossed diagonally from top left to bottom right by a “lightning bolt” band divided into parallel stripes of five colors: light blue, yellow, white, red, and green. There are narrow bands of the same black between the colors.
July is Disability Pride Month, an annual month-long celebration of people with disabilities and our history as a community. In honor of this month and the Americans with Disabilities Act’s anniversary, we ask people to think about how they define and think about disability, as one diverse aspect of humanity, and address ableism. The disability community is one of the largest minority populations in the United States. In Wisconsin, 9.6% of people between the ages of…
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DRW’s Madison Office is Moving!

Man moving multiple large boxes through a room.
Disability Rights Wisconsin’s Madison office is moving! As of July 26, 2021, our new location and mailing address is: 1502 West Broadway, Suite 201 Madison, WI 53713 This will be reflected in our flyers and other documents. Our contact details will remain the same and can be found here (link to Contact Us page). You can share our new location flyer, which can be found here (accessible pdf).
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DRW PAIMI Advisory Council Seeks New Members

PAIMI Advisory Council members meeting in DRW Milwaukee conference room
DRW’s PAIMI (Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness) Advisory Council helps DRW staff and board of directors to set priorities and create policies on issues that affect people with mental illness. DRW’s PAIMI program provides advocacy assistance to protect the rights of people with mental illness. The Council is seeking applicants for the following positions: Parent of a minor child who receives mental health services. A mental health services provider. Providers include individuals who…
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DVC Statement on WEC Report on Barriers That Affect Voters

Person using as accessible voting machine
The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) has released their report, Barriers to Voting Faced by Elderly Voters and Voters with Disabilities. This report is issued every two years and addresses accessibility of Wisconsin polling places and elections. It was filed yesterday. This year’s report is now posted on the WEC website here (direct link to pdf). The Disability Vote Coalition has released a statement on the report, recognizing the work the WEC has done and providing…
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Medicare Minutes: Medicare Nursing Home Coverage

Pile of buttons with stars and stripes that say Medicare
A new video in the “What You Need to Know About Medicare” series is here! Today’s video is about what to do when your Medicare nursing home coverage is being terminated. When someone has an injury or illness that requires hospital care, it’s not uncommon to go to a nursing home for rehab before going home. If the person will get better and go home, Medicare will often cover a nursing home stay. However, they…
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DRW Issues Memo to the JFC on Budget Decisions Affecting People with Disabilities

Shape of Wisconsin overlaid with 100-dollar bills.
DRW issued a memo to members of the Joint Finance Committee, describing potential benefits for people with disabilities. Recommendations from DRW include funding for the direct care workforce; increased Medicaid reimbursement for mental health care; funding for Aging and Disability Resource Centers and Tribal Aging and disability resources; and much more. Read the full memo here (accessible pdf).
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The Disability Information and Access Line is Now Live!

Vaccine vial held by hand with rubber glove on
The U.S. Human Health Services has announced the Disability Information and Access Line (D.I.A.L), a national hotline that connects people with disabilities to information and services to improve access to COVID-19 vaccines. To reach the hotline, call 888-677-1199. Staff will be available Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 7:00pm (Central). Alternatively, reach out to the hotline via email at Trained staff are standing by to: Help find local vaccination locations. Assist with making vaccination…
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Medicare Minutes: Who Do I Contact for Help with Medicare?

Stethoscope laying on paper that says Medicare
A new entry in the “What You Need to Know About Medicare” series has arrived! Watch the “Medicare Resources” video below to learn more about what resources are available to you as a Medicare beneficiary for the enrollment process and for counseling on public and private health insurance issues and options. A video transcript along with the list of resources presented in the video is available here (accessible pdf).
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New Report Finds Wisconsin’s Limited DMV Access is a Barrier to the Ballot

Text states "Getting There is Half the Battle: Wisconsin's Photo ID Law, Access to DMV Services, and the Fight for Our Freedom to Vote" and lists contributing organizations.
“Getting There is Half the Battle: Wisconsin’s Photo ID Law, Access to DMV Services, and the Fight for Our Freedom to Vote,” was released on May 26th.  This new report highlights how Wisconsin’s lack of access to the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is a barrier for many voters with disabilities, and other voters, to get the photo ID needed to cast a ballot. The report was developed by All Voting is Local, the Wisconsin Disability Vote…
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