
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

COVID-19 Vaccine Updates and Resources

Vaccine vial held by hand with rubber glove on
New Guidance on Eligibility for Vaccine The COVID-19 vaccine is being distributed to Wisconsin residents in a phased approach. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has provided clarification about who is considered “direct care personnel” and is eligible to receive the COVID vaccine now as part of the first phase, called “1a”. This updated definition includes paid and unpaid caregivers of children and adults enrolled in long term care programs. This is the updated definition…
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First DPI Statewide Release of Seclusion/Restraint Data

closeup of human eye with reflection of a child in the iris
Disability Rights Wisconsin played an instrumental role in last year’s improvements to Wisconsin law regulating restraint and seclusion in school.  The Department of Public Instruction has for the first time released statewide restraint and seclusion data as a result.  Joanne Juhnke, Advocacy Specialist in Special Education for DRW, spoke with WPR about the importance of reducing these dangerous emergency measures for students with disabilities: Elementary School Students, Students With Disabilities More Likely To Be Restrained…
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DRW Submits Comments to SDMAC’s Vaccine 1b Priority Plan

Vaccine vial with needle held by hand with rubber glove on
After much careful consideration, DRW has completed its consideration of priority populations for 1b phase of COVID vaccinations. DRW strongly supports the Wisconsin’s State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee’s (SDMAC) decision to include members in Family Care and IRIS in the carefully considered priority plan for the next phase of COVID vaccine distribution. Further, DRW is very supportive of including individuals who are incarcerated. Read DRW’s comments for the reasons why.  
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New COVID-19 vaccine information resources

Vaccine vial held by hand with rubber glove on
DRW has some new resources to share to keep you informed about the COVID-19 vaccine. Our partners at the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities have published an excellent plain language information sheet about the COVID 19 vaccine.   Attorney Mitch Hagopian, Disability Rights Wisconsin, and Marcia Stickel, RN,Waisman Center, joined BPDD Living Well on this video to talk about the new COVID-19 vaccine.  The video addresses what the vaccine means, when we can…
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Virtual Session: Info and Input on DRW’s Mental Health Advocacy

Mental Health spelled out with Scrabble tiles
About Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illnesses (PAIMI) DRW’s Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illnesses (PAIMI) program provides advocacy assistance to protect the human and civil rights of children and adults with serious mental health conditions. This work is supported by a PAIMI Advisory Council, who advises DRW’s staff and the Board of Directors on policies and issues that affect people with mental illnesses and sets priorities for the Protection and…
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Watch PBS Wisconsin: Disability Rights in the Age of COVID-19

Screenshot of PBS interviewer, Barbara Beckert and Jimmy Anderson
Democratic Representative Jimmy Anderson and Barbara Beckert from Disability Rights Wisconsin discuss different challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on Wisconsinites with disabilities.  
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FAQs about Children with Disabilities and COVID-19

little girl on a swingset with her teddy bear. Both are wearing surgical masks.
DRW has two Frequently Asked Questions handout relating to children with disabilities and COVID-19.  Get answers to your questions about masks in schools, remote learning and more. Children with Disabilities during COVID-19 FAQ Masks in Schools During COVID-19 FAQ
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DRW PAIMI Priorities survey

Your voice matters!
The DRW PAIMI Advisory Council wants to hear from you about your suggested priorities for DRW’s mental health advocacy.  DRW’s PAIMI program provides advocacy assistance to protect the human and civil rights of children and adults with serious mental health conditions.  PAIMI stands for “Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness”. DRW’s PAIMI advocacy is supported by a PAIMI Advisory Council. The Council helps DRW board of directors and staff set priorities for the…
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DRW Statement on Indefinitely Confined Voters

I voted absentee button with American flag
(View this press release as a PDF or read the content below.) As the federally mandated protection and advocacy agency for Wisconsin, DRW provides education and assistance to people with disabilities to promote their full participation in the electoral process. During the 2020 elections, DRW has provided assistance to hundreds of Wisconsinites with disabilities and older adults, who wanted to safely and lawfully cast a ballot during the pandemic. This year, voting absentee was a…
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DRW PAIMI Advisory Council Opening

PAC members sitting at tables in a meeting room
The DRW PAIMI Advisory Council has an opening for an Attorney who wants to advance positive change in working to protect and advocate for the rights of Wisconsinites with mental health diagnoses.  DRW’s PAIMI program protects the human and civil rights of children and adults with serious mental health conditions.  PAIMI stands for Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness.  DRW’s PAIMI advocacy is supported by a PAIMI Advisory Council. The  Council helps staff…
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