
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

DRW Happy to See Recommendations from Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving

Man pushing child in a wheelchair - both smiling
DRW is pleased with the recommendations put forth by the Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving. The recommendations cover a wide range of issues that affect the availability of caregivers in Wisconsin. Read our press release here.
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DRW Statement on Treatment of Jacob Blake

Protesters marching, one holds a sign that says "Justice for Jacob"
Disability Rights Wisconsin condemns the law enforcement treatment of Jacob Blake. After a racially charged incident in which Mr. Blake was shot in the back by police, he was shackled to his hospital bed. Though the shackles have now been removed, his treatment after being rendered paralyzed from the waist down put his health at further risk and violated his right to a disability accommodation. Read the statement here.
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A sad passing of Deidre Davis Butler

Deidre Davis Butler smiling
A sad passing of Deidre Davis Butler: an amazing advocate for disability rights and racial equity After a lifetime of advocacy, Deidre Davis Butler died last week at the age of 64. Nothing slowed her down, especially being told she couldn’t do something. She earned a law degree and fought hard for people with disabilities, especially people of color. She helped draft the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which just marked its 30th anniversary in…
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Press Release: PUA Benefit Now Available to SSDI Recipients

Newspaper with words "press release" in the center
Disability Rights Wisconsin applauds DWD Secretary Frostman, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Representatives Ron Kind, Mark Pocan, and Gwen Moore, for their work to secure Pandemic Emergency Unemployment relief (PUA) for Wisconsin SSDI recipients out of work due to COVID-19. Read the full press release about the PUA benefit that is now available to SSDI recipients in Wisconsin.
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DRW Comments on Recommendations of Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving

Caregiver pushing a woman in a wheelchair
Wisconsin has been experiencing a loss of caregivers in its labor force over the past several years. On February 18, 2019, Governor Evers signed Executive Order #11 to create a Task Force on Caregiving. The GTFC has been working with a sense of urgency analyzing this complicated issue and considering possible ways to address it. The GTFC has issued its initial recommendations and has been accepting public comments. Read the comments submitted by DRW.  
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DRW submits comments on proposed changes for IRIS waiver

IRIS logo
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is planning to submit a request to renew the 1915(c) IRIS waiver for the IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) program to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This waiver gives Wisconsin authority to provide Medicaid services in home and community-based settings.  Disability Rights Wisconsin submitted comments on the proposed changes for the IRIS waiver.
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DRW is open and continues to offer services during the COVID-19 crisis

Yes we're open sign on door
Disability Rights Wisconsin is open and continues to offer services during the COVID-19 crisis, no matter how long the Safer at Home order is in place.  Though our physical offices are closed, all programs are active and protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities across the state.  DRW can provide help on issues related to having a disability and accessing your rights or supports.  Our programs include: Protection and Advocacy System Communities and Institutions Schools…
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Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving – Public Input Sought

Woman pushing someone in wheelchair, facing outdoor scenery
The Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving was created to support and strengthen the direct care workforce, increase access to care, and improve the quality of caregiving in Wisconsin. The Task Force welcomes input from family caregivers, professional caregivers, health care providers and other citizens interested in improving working conditions for individuals who care for people with disabilities and older adults, leading to a better quality of care for the people they serve. The Task Force…
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Your Ideas Needed- Complete Survey on Milwaukee County BHD Budget

Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force logo
The Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force needs to hear from you.  Please complete this survey to share your priorities for the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division Budget.  The next BHD/ Milwaukee County budget will be challenging due to decreases in revenue.  BHD and other departments are facing a significant reduction in tax levy.  What services should be prioritized?  Are there opportunities to save money or bring in new revenue? Share your perspective.  Survey results will…
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DRW Statement on Systemic Racism and Violence

Protesters marching down street with Black Lives Matter banner
Disability Rights Wisconsin grieves for those killed in acts of racialized violence. We stand in solidarity with Black communities and individuals across the state and the country in calling out and rejecting police brutality and pervasive institutional and structural racism. At Disability Rights Wisconsin, we fight against discrimination every day. We understand mechanisms of oppression and the impact they have on our clients. This discrimination causes disparate treatment in health care, employment, housing, education, criminal…
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