Disability Rights Wisconsin attended Governor Evers’ signing of an Executive Order to form a Caregiving Task Force on strengthening the direct care workforce and supporting families providing care for their loved ones. The Task Force will study caregiver recruitment and retention, compensation and benefits, access to healthcare, and provider registries. Wisconsin has been a leader in developing innovative ways to support people of all ages with disabilities in the community. Lea Kitz, Executive Director said,…
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:
email media@drwi.org.
For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or lisah@drwi.org.
DRW Joins Lawsuit to Prevent Enforcement of Bills Passed by Wisconsin Legislature

DRW has joined with the League of Women Voters, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities and several other plaintiffs to file a lawsuit today in Dane County Circuit Court challenging the enforceability of the legislation adopted during an “extraordinary session” of the Wisconsin Legislature last month. The lawsuit asks the court to prevent the Wisconsin Election Commission and Governor Tony Evers from enforcing or implementing any of the provisions of the newly enacted laws. The lawsuit…
DRW’s PAIMI Advisory Council Invites you to Get Involved

PAIMI is DRW’s Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness program. DRW’s PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) works to protect the rights of children and adults with serious mental health conditions, and to advise the DRW staff and Board on priorities for our advocacy work. Council members are appointed for a two years term. They are asked to attend PAC meetings (at least three times a year) and to assist with outreach to educate…
Save the Date for Giving Tuesday

Disability Rights Wisconsin is a proud member of Community Shares of Wisconsin (CSW). CSW is a group of 65 member nonprofits leading efforts throughout Wisconsin to protect our civil rights and build a safe and sustainable future where everyone can thrive. Your support fuels a movement that is based on partnership, support, and collaboration between leaders in local grassroots organizations. On Giving Tuesday, please consider donating to Disability Rights Wisconsin or one of our CSW…
Support DRW on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday Is Today! Why Disability Rights Wisconsin? Because DRW has a 41-year history of fighting to ensure that people with disabilities throughout the state are protected from abuse and neglect; and enjoy the basic rights we all share as citizens of Wisconsin. Please contribute so that DRW can continue to assert the rights of all citizens with disabilities through advocacy in the schools, the healthcare and social service systems, and all other places where…
New Study on Transportation in Wisconsin

Access to transportation is one of the top concerns for Wisconsinites with disabilities. A recent report, Arrive Together shows how people’s needs are not being met by Wisconsin’s transportation system. The report examines the effectiveness of public transit access to major employers and other areas of interest in nine cities and regions across Wisconsin. It highlights stories from transit riders, opportunities for improvement within transit systems, and the serious barriers and needs for improvement at…
Healthcare Groups Remain Concerned about Proposed Medicaid Oversight Changes

Wisconsin Health News covers the reaction of healthcare and disability groups to changes to Medicaid waivers approved by the State Legislature this week. DRW is quoted in the article.
DRW Files Complaint Against Racine Unified School District

Disability Rights Wisconsin filed a group complaint against the Racine Unified School District in December 2018. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction found the District out of compliance and ordered the school district hire an outside consultant to do a program review of special education. Disability Rights Wisconsin advocates for students in the Racine District and continues to see violations of student’s rights under IDEA. DRW is hopeful this will finally bring about substantive change…
DRW PAIMI Advisory Council Meets

DRW’s PAIMI Advisory Council met in Milwaukee on Friday March 29th. Council Chair Teresa Wargo welcomed 5 new Council members, and the Council discussed plans for 2019. PAIMI stands for Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness. The PAIMI Advisory Council helps the DRW staff and board of directors set priorities for the PAIMI program and advises the board on policies and issues that affect people with mental illness. The Council also serves as…
DCTS 2018 Annual Report

Annual report from DHS Division of Care and Treatment Services The Wisconsin Department of Health Services Division of Care and Treatment Services has issued their annual report. This division oversees division which seven care and treatment facilities, community mental health and substance use services, community forensic treatment services, and the protection of client rights for individuals receiving services for developmental disability, mental health, and substance use. Here is a link to the report
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