Disability Rights Wisconsin is encouraged by the comprehensive initiatives for people with disabilities in Governor Evers’ 2019-2021 Biennial Budget Proposal. “The Governor’s budget shows a strong commitment to people with disabilities,” stated Lea Kitz, Executive Director. “Governor Evers and Lieutenant Governor Barnes listened to people with disabilities and their families around the state and included many recommendations to enhance their lives by providing better education, supports and services, transportation, and medical and mental health care.”…
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:
email media@drwi.org.
For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or lisah@drwi.org.
State of the Budget Address Tonight

Governor Evers will give his State of the Budget address tonight at 7 PM. You can watch the budget address on WisconsinEye. DRW is developing our analysis of the impact of the budget on Wisconsinites with disabilities. We will provide budget briefings at a number of locations around the state, with our partners the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and The Arc Wisconsin.
Budget Plan To Boost Care For Children With Disabilities

Some information about the proposed state budget is already out, including good news about a budget proposal to end waiting list for children with disabilities: Evers’ Budget Plan To Boost Care For Children With Disabilities
Caregiving Task Force on WPR Monday

Get ready to listen live to the Wisconsin Public Radio Morning Show with Kate Archer Monday morning as the co-chairs of the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance, Lisa Pugh (The Arc Wisconsin) and Lynn Gall (DHS Office on Aging), discuss Governor Tony Evers’ new Task Force on Caregiving. Remember – this Monday at 7:30 am! Here is a link to the WPR broadcast. Call in with your questions and comments about the need for this…
Mar 2019 Forum: WI Superintendent Advisory Council on Spec Ed

The special education council will hold an online public forum from March 6 to 13. Click here to view the flyer for this event. The public forum is electronic and distributed to parents by local CESAs, school districts, community organizations, and family support agencies. A link to submit comments will be available on the DPI Advisory Council on Special Education web page on March 6. The purpose of this public forum is to assist council…
Governor Evers Announces Dental Access Initiative

Governor Evers will give his budget address on February 28th. In advance of the budget address, some budget initiatives will be released. On February 11th, Governor Evers announced a $43 Million investment to expand dental access. Many Wisconsinites with disabilities have difficulty accessing dental care, and the budget proposal has the potential to improve access. You can share your perspective on dental services for people with disabilities by contacting the Governor’s office and your state…
WCBVI 2019 Scholarship Opportunity

The Wisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually Impaired proudly announces our 2019 scholarship opportunity. The Council offers up to ten $2,000 scholarships for qualifying Wisconsin students, in a post-secondary education program including technical training, two-year colleges, four-year universities and graduate programs. Click here for more details and the application in an accessible MS Word document. Complete applications are due by Friday, April 5, 2019.
Wisconsin Teens Share Mental Health Challenges

Wisconsin teens will share their mental health challenges in a new Milwaukee PBS documentary that strives to open up conversations about youth mental health and encourage youth to reach out for support. The 2017 youth suicide rate in Wisconsin was the highest it has been since 1992. In both years, 38 minors died by suicide. Wisconsin’s rate was the 11th worst in the country. Here is a link to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story on…
Adaptive Telephone Equipment Opens up Communication

Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP) is a statewide program that helps people with disabilities buy adaptive telephone equipment that they need to live independently. Our great partner IndependenceFirst explains the TEPP program and how to apply.
Affordable Housing for Adults with Disabilities

Wisconsin Public Radio talks to parents and advocates about housing options and supports for adults with disabilities, and how families are planning for transitioning to adulthood. Listen to Raising A Child With Disabilities Into Adulthood on WPR.
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