Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

Family Care Member Survey
Disability Rights Wisconsin would like to hear about your experience with the Family Care Program. We are the Protection and Advocacy agency for people with…

Now Hiring: Program Attorney, Disability Benefit Specialist Program
Disability Rights Wisconsin currently has an open Program Attorney position! The position is within our Disability Benefit Specialist program, which provides technical assistance, support, and…

Support Disability Rights Wisconsin on March 7!
It’s Time for the Big Share! Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) is part of The Big Share 2023, an online day of giving sponsored by Community…

Advancing Transportation Equity for Non-Drivers: A Conversation
Event Information This moderated conversation will consider what challenges exist and steps that can be taken in creating transportation equity for non-drivers in Wisconsin. This…

Disability Advocacy Day Is March 2023
Disability Advocacy Day is a day-long event focused on connecting Self-Advocates with their legislators to talk about issues that matter to them. It is hosted…
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