Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

Disability Rights and Resources for the February 21st Election
View and share the full press release here (accessible PDF). Tuesday, February 21, is Election Day in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters…

DRW Commends Positive Budget Initiatives for People with Disabilities
Read DRW’s full press release as a document here (accessible PDF). Disability Rights Wisconsin, Wisconsin’s Protection and Advocacy system for people with disabilities, is heartened…

State Budget Funding Hope for Students with Disabilities
Read the full press release as an accessible PDF here. Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) appreciates the education funding proposals announced yesterday by Governor Evers in…

Now Hiring: Staff Attorney, Victim Advocacy Program
DRW is seeking a Staff Attorney for our Victim Advocacy Program! The attorney will work to ensure that survivors with disabilities receive the advocacy, legal…

Now Hiring: Advocacy Specialist, Client Assistance Program
DRW now has an open Advocacy Specialist position within our Client Assistance Program, which assists people with disabilities that have questions or concerns about services…
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