Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

DRW Statement on Voting Bills
This week, Wisconsin legislators will be considering voting bills that will impact the voting rights of Wisconsinites with disabilities. DRW asks policy makers to consider…

DRW Testimony at Feb 21 Assembly State Affairs Committee Public Hearing
Disability Rights Wisconsin submitted the following testimony regarding the impact of voting bills on people with disabilities at the February 21st Assembly State Affairs Committee…

Disability Advocacy Day of Action
Event Information Disability Day of Action is a virtual event focused on connecting Disability Advocates with their legislators to talk about issues that matter. Participants…

Statement of Support for SB 937 – Indefinitely Confined Voters
Wisconsin’s Indefinitely Confined Voter status is vitally important to ensuring that many voters who are disabled, frail, or have a physical illness can cast a…

Now Hiring: Administrative Assistant
Disability Rights Wisconsin is hiring for an Administrative Assistant. This position is based out of our Madison office and is full-time. The Administrative Assistant will…
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