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Our Vision

All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

little girl on a swingset with her teddy bear. Both are wearing surgical masks.

FAQs about Children with Disabilities and COVID-19

DRW has two Frequently Asked Questions handout relating to children with disabilities and COVID-19.  Get answers to your questions about masks in schools, remote learning…
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Your voice matters!

DRW PAIMI Priorities survey

The DRW PAIMI Advisory Council wants to hear from you about your suggested priorities for DRW’s mental health advocacy.  DRW’s PAIMI program provides advocacy assistance…
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I voted absentee button with American flag

DRW Statement on Indefinitely Confined Voters

(View this press release as a PDF or read the content below.) As the federally mandated protection and advocacy agency for Wisconsin, DRW provides education…
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PAC members sitting at tables in a meeting room

DRW PAIMI Advisory Council Opening

The DRW PAIMI Advisory Council has an opening for an Attorney who wants to advance positive change in working to protect and advocate for the…
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basket of stickers that say I Voted

Press Release: Know Your Voter Rights

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters with disabilities to make a plan to safely cast their ballot tomorrow. Approximately 23% of the electorate will…
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Success Stories

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