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All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

Pile of buttons with stars and stripes that say Medicare

Medicare Minutes: Medicare Savings Programs

The Milwaukee SHIP Collaborative presents its next video in its Medicare Hot Topics series: Medicare Savings Programs. If you are looking for financial assistance with…
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Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background

Join Our Board of Directors!

Disability Rights Wisconsin is seeking energetic and passionate people to join our Board of Directors. If you are committed to protecting the rights of people…
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A person holds up a sign saying "End the Violence against Asians" during a gathering.

DRW Issues Statement Condemning Systemic Racism

DRW has issued a statement expressing unity with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.  We stand in solidarity against race-based violence and call for changes in…
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A black person receives a vaccine shot.

DRW encouraged by DHS’ reprioritized vaccine eligibility for people with chronic medical conditions

DRW expresses appreciation to the Department of Health Services for reprioritizing vaccine eligibility for people with chronic medical conditions, and for specifically naming those with…
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scrabble pieces spelling out the words mental health

Watch Now: Wisconsin Health News “Reforming Emergency Detention” Panel

Wisconsin Health News hosted a March 11th panel discussion named “A System in Crisis: Reforming Emergency Detention.”  Panel members, including DRW’s Kit Kerschensteiner, shared their…
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