Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

April 7th “Welcome to Medicare” Event Postponed
The SHIP Technical Assistance Center has postponed the virtual fair until June. We will send an update when the new date is finalized. For additional…

PBS Wisconsin’s Here and Now: Changes to Indefinitely Confined Status
State legislators are considering new legislation that could make it harder for many voters with disabilities and older adults to vote. PBS Wisconsin’s Here and…

DRW Letter to Wisconsin DHS regarding COVID Vaccine Distribution System
Disability Rights Wisconsin has asked the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to reconsider their priority system for COVID vaccine distribution. DRW requests equal access to…

Join us for Free Zoom Trainings on the State Budget!
What will the training provide? A summary of the WI state budget as it relates to people with disabilities and their families. Advocacy tools for…

Join us for Free Zoom Trainings on the State Budget!
What will the training provide? A summary of the WI state budget as it relates to people with disabilities and their families. Advocacy tools for…
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