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All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

Student at Racine school reading with teacher in background

Outside Review of Racine’s Unified Special Ed Program Recommends Reform

According to an article posted by the Racine Journal Times a recent report of the Racine Unified’s special education program “there has to be meaningful…
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PAC members sitting at tables in a meeting room

DRW’s PAIMI Advisory Council Seeks New Members

PAIMI is DRW’s Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness program.    DRW’s PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) works to protect the rights of children…
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Calendar, coffee cup and pen and paper sit on a table; scene is labeled Events.

DRW Listening Session – Your Input Needed

Disability Rights Wisconsin welcomes community members at its listening session in Stevens Point on January 10. DRW is the Protection and Advocacy system for the…
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Wisconsin State Capitol

Assembly Committee Approves Emergency Transport Bill

The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Mental Health considered and approved Assembly Bill 633 – Transport for Emergency Detention. The bill would clarify that law enforcement…
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Calendar, coffee cup and pen and paper sit on a table; scene is labeled Events.

2020 Milwaukee County Executive Forum – Register Now

  Register NOW for the Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Forum at Space is Limited. Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Forum begins at 3 PM IndependenceFirst, 540…
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