Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

Milwaukee Community Justice Council Meets August 28th
The Milwaukee Community Justice Council is meeting this Wednesday August 28th at 9:30 – 11:00 AM at Clinton Rose Senior Center, 3045 N, Martin Luther…

Governor Evers makes appointments to Task Force on Caregiving
Governor Evers has made appointments to the Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving. The Task Force was created in February when Evers created Executive Order #11….

DRW Supports SB 89 to Establish Dental Therapists
DRW submitted testimony in support of Senate Bill 89 which would expand the pool of professionals that can provide basic dental care, by establishing Dental…

BPDD Community Education Event: September 19th at Serb Hall
Join the Wisconsin BPDD for conversation and lunch on September 19th at Serb Hall in Milwaukee! For the last three years BPDD has facilitated a…

Supported Decision Making Training
A free statewide training on Wisconsin’s new Supported Decision Making law will be held on September 13, 2019 at the Kalahari resort in Wisconsin Dells….
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