Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

Protect Immigrants with Disabilities – Your Voice Matters
DRW Opposes Public Charge Rule Proposal On October 10, the US Department of Homeland Security announced a change to the “public charge” rule that would…

ABLE Account Survey – Share Your Experience
The ABLE Act was passed by Congress in 2014. ABLE accounts create a new option for some people with disabilities and their families to save…

Voters with Disabilities – We Need to Hear From You
Voters with Disabilities: Complete the SABE GoVoter Survey Did you vote in the November 6th Elections? Are you a person with a disability? If you…

Election Day is November 6: Make the Disability Vote Count!
Election Day is next week on Tuesday, November 6. It’s critical for people with disabilities to get out and vote to ensure that our elected…

Medicare Open Enrollment for 2019
Medicare’s Open Enrollment has begun. Now is the time for all Medicare beneficiaries to take a look at their coverage for 2019. Will the Part…
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