Press Releases

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Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

DRW Concerned about Supreme Court Decision

Interior of Wisconsin Supreme Court
Disability Rights Wisconsin was disappointed to see that the Wisconsin Supreme Court has struck down Secretary-Designee Palm’s Safer at Home order. DRW filed an amicus brief in this case, in collaboration with a number of national and local disability advocacy organizations, to provide the Court with insight into the heightened risk COVID-19 poses for people with disabilities and concerns for opening up the state too soon or suddenly. Read DRW’s statement about the Supreme Court…
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DRW files Amicus Brief warning WI Supreme Court

Safer at Home written over Wisconsin map
Disability Rights Wisconsin, in partnership with 32 state and national disability advocacy organizations, filed an Amicus Brief with the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Wednesday warning the WSC about the potential catastrophic risk to life for people with disabilities and older adults if the Safer at Home emergency order is lifted at this time. Follow this link to the press release. Read DRW’s press release about this amicus brief.
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DRW Petitions to Release Vulnerable People from Jails/Prisons Amid COVID-19

hands holding prison bars
Disability Rights Wisconsin, along with state criminal defense lawyers and two incarcerated individuals with pre-existing conditions, filed a petition in the Wisconsin State Supreme Court today seeking the release of elderly and vulnerable people from state prisons in order to avoid a dangerous outbreak that would further strain the state’s health care capacity and put public health at risk. The lawsuit filed by ACLU Wisconsin asks the court to order Governor Tony Evers and state…
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DRW Applauds Assembly for Passing SB 527 Seclusion and Restraint Law

WIsconsinEye passing of senate bill 527
Disability Rights Wisconsin applauds the full Assembly for passing SB 527 which makes common-sense changes to Wisconsin’s seclusion and restraint law.  We especially thank Representatives Quinn and Considine for their leadership in the Assembly on this bill.  Please see our Release on the Passing of SB 527. In February 2016, Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT), Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW), and WI FACETS produced a report Miles to Go detailing the distressingly high data on restraint and…
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DRW congratulates Governor Evers for his efforts on behalf of people with disabilities

Governor Tony Evers
In his State of the State speech last night, Governor Evers highlighted two important legislative successes last year for people with disabilities and he identified an important priority for the coming year. One of these successes was a bipartisan effort resulting in the passage of Wisconsin Act 48, which changed a polling place rule that was a barrier to some people with disabilities.  We were pleased that the Governor recognized DRW’s and advocacy partners’ successful…
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Disability Rights Wisconsin Applauds Signing of AB168

Denise Johnson testifying for AB168
Today, Governor Evers will sign into law AB 168 which addresses a significant barrier to voting for some voters with disabilities.  Wisconsin law requires voters to speak their name and address at the polling place before voting.  AB 168 will allow voters who cannot state their name and address to have an election official or another individual selected by the voter state the name and address for them. During the November 2018 election. DRW received…
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DRW Supports Governor’s Veto of Bill Reducing Training for CNAs

Three CNA students gathered around a table, studying
DRW has issued a press release in support of The Governor’s veto of 2019 SB 103, a bill that would have reduced the training requirements for Certified Nurse Aides (CNAs) from 120 hours to 75 hours.  DRW appreciates the desire to solve the workforce problem and is grateful to policy makers who are trying to address it. However, while the bill may have been a well-intentioned effort to aid in alleviating the care taker workforce…
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DRW Statement on the Budget Approved by Finance Committee

Wisconsin State Capitol
The Joint Committee on Finance has completed its work on the State Budget. Disability Rights Wisconsin has released a statement on the budget approved by the Joint Finance Committee, noting the positive investments for people with disabilities, and the missed opportunities to help people with disabilities to have healthy, active lives as contributing members of their communities. The budget now moves to the State Assembly and Senate for approval, with voting expected the week of…
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DRW Disappointed with Joint Finance Committee Vote

Wisconsin State Capitol
On May 9th, the Joint Committee on Finance met for the first time to vote on the proposed 2019 – 2021 state budget. The Committee voted to remove Medicaid Expansion from the Governor’s Budget. The joint finance committee voted against it 11-4, along party lines. Disability Rights Wisconsin is disappointed by the Joint Finance Committee vote to remove Medicaid expansion from the Governor’s budget proposal. DRW has supported Medicaid expansion. Many people with disabilities, older…
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DRW Celebrates Governor’s Announcement on Caregiving Task Force

Tony Evers, Chris L'Heureux, Kit Kerschensteiner, Lea Kitz, and Bill Crowley at Governor's office.
Disability Rights Wisconsin attended Governor Evers’ signing of an Executive Order to form a Caregiving Task Force on strengthening the direct care workforce and supporting families providing care for their loved ones. The Task Force will study caregiver recruitment and retention, compensation and benefits, access to healthcare, and provider registries. Wisconsin has been a leader in developing innovative ways to support people of all ages with disabilities in the community. Lea Kitz, Executive Director said,…
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