Action Alerts

For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

SouthEastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Seeks feedback on Vision 2050 Amendment

A proposed amendment to VISION 2050 incorporating land use changes and transportation improvements to serve the Foxconn campus is available for review and comment through September 30, 2018. VISION 2050, the regional land use and transportation plan for the seven-county Southeastern Wisconsin Region, was adopted prior to any knowledge of the Foxconn development in Mount Pleasant. Given the size and significance of the development, VISION 2050 needs to be amended to incorporate land use changes…
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The Wisconsin Partisan Primary is only one week away! (August 14th, 2018)

outline of person putting ballet in voting box.
Why vote in the primary? National elections for President usually get the most attention, but it is often the people who are elected to the State Legislature and County Board whose decisions have the most impact on your daily life. Despite all the money in politics, elections still come down to votes, so YOUR VOTE MATTERS! Find your polling place and see a sample ballot here. An accepted Wisconsin photo ID card is required to…
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Provide Feedback on the Children’s Long-Term Services Waiver Program

If you participate in the Wisconsin Children’s Waiver Program or are on a wait list, you have an opportunity to provide feedback! The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is looking for input on proposed Children’s Long-Term Services (CLTS) rates across the state and how they would impact children, the way the Department is ending children’s wait lists, and a proposed statewide provider directory. Families can provide public feedback on these issues at community forums across…
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Transportation Survey

As summer vacation season heats up, don’t forget to take our short survey on transportation! Access to affordable, accessible transportation is vital to the independence of Wisconsinites with disabilities. We need people with disabilities and their families to take this short survey on transportation, from Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations. Your responses will help us inform policy makers and work on ways to improve transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and their families….
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Let your voice be heard in Congress!

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Following up on DRW’s visits to Capitol Hill with our Wisconsin delegation partners through the Disability Policy Seminar, we are posting the fact sheets we shared with Wisconsin’s members of Congress. Most compelling are your voices and stories – people with disabilities and their families for whom we advocate every day. Public policies can advance – or restrict – your freedom, rights, and ability to live healthy lives in the community. We invite you to…
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“Job Lines” Buses Under Threat

Funding for the bus system and other transportation has been a priority for our coalitions, as so many people with mental illness and other disabilities rely on the bus system to maintain their independence and ability to live in the community, and it is key to maintaining employment.  Transit is also essential for many direct care providers to get to work. We wanted to share this Update regarding a threat to funding for Milwaukee buses…
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Support the Statute on Restraint and Seclusion for Wisconsin Students

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Disability Rights Wisconsin in collaboration with Wisconsin Family Ties and WI Facets worked on LRB-1898, to strengthen the statute on restraint and seclusion for Wisconsin students. It is s now circulating for co-sponsorship in the legislature! The bill would make many important improvements, including: • Require that restraint and seclusion data be reported to DPI as well as school boards (under current law, only school boards receive the data) • Require schools to convey a…
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Strengthen Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries

A new bill has been introduced in Congress that would protect people with disabilities from financial exploitation, abuse and neglect. But in order for this to happen, we need your help to get the law passed! Click here to tell your representative to support HR4547.
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