
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

DRW encouraged by DHS’ reprioritized vaccine eligibility for people with chronic medical conditions

A black person receives a vaccine shot.
DRW expresses appreciation to the Department of Health Services for reprioritizing vaccine eligibility for people with chronic medical conditions, and for specifically naming those with intellectual disabilities.  This group will now be eligible for the vaccine on Monday, March 22 — one week before previously planned. Read DRW’s thank you letter to Secretary Timberlake here (accessible PDF). For more information on vaccine eligibility and other frequently asked questions, see the DHS COVID-19 page. For more…
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Watch Now: Wisconsin Health News “Reforming Emergency Detention” Panel

scrabble pieces spelling out the words mental health
Wisconsin Health News hosted a March 11th panel discussion named “A System in Crisis: Reforming Emergency Detention.”  Panel members, including DRW’s Kit Kerschensteiner, shared their perspective on the current crisis system and what needs to change. Watch the panel’s Facebook Live video here. Read Wisconsin Health News’ story on emergency detention here.
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DHS urged to prioritize people with chronic medical conditions next for COVID vaccines

A black person receives a vaccine shot.
Disability Rights Wisconsin has sent a letter to Interim Secretary Timberlake, urging the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to prioritize people with chronic medical conditions in the next group to receive COVID-19 vaccines.  DHS will be announcing the next priority group soon. Read DRW’s letter to Secretary Timberlake here (accessible PDF).
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Medicare Minutes: The Medicare Summary Notice

Pile of buttons with stars and stripes that say Medicare
The Milwaukee SHIP Collaborative presents its next video in its Medicare Hot Topics series: How to Read Your Medicare Summary Notice. The Medicare Summary Notice is a quarterly statement from Medicare, that outlines Medicare-covered services during that 3-months period. It is important to review this regularly to make sure that it is an accurate reflection of your Medicare covered services. View the video transcript here (accessible PDF). Watch the How to Read Your Medicare Summary…
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DHS Clarifies Long-Term Care Recipients Eligibility for COVID Vaccine

A black person receives a vaccine shot.
In response to concerns raised by DRW, Department of Health Services Secretary Karen Timberlake has clarified that Family Care members, IRIS participants and older CLTS and Katie Beckett recipients are all eligible for COVID vaccine beginning on March 1, 2021.  Guidance from DHS from last week (week of February 22nd) indicated that recipients of long term care recipients would have to wait for vaccine until all teachers, child care workers, and people 65 and older…
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The Big Share 2021

The Big Share 2021 logo
The Big Share 2021 is on-going! Support us in protecting the rights of people with disabilities! Follow along with our campaign on our Big Share page here and via our Facebook page and our Twitter. For Big Share live updates, follow the live stats here! Media We’ve been counting down to the beginning of our campaign on our various social media platforms. Watch our videos and read quotations from our staff members down below. DRW…
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April 7th “Welcome to Medicare” Event Postponed

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The SHIP Technical Assistance Center has postponed the virtual fair until June. We will send an update when the new date is finalized. For additional event information, view the event page on the SHIP site here. View the accessible “Welcome to Medicare” event flyer here.
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PBS Wisconsin’s Here and Now: Changes to Indefinitely Confined Status

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
State legislators are considering new legislation that could make it harder for many voters with disabilities and older adults to vote. PBS Wisconsin’s Here and Now looks at the impact of these changes with DRW’s Barbara Beckert. Watch the Here and Now interview here on Facebook. If these issues are important to you, tell your legislators about your concerns. To find contact information for your legislators, you can call the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-362-9472 or…
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DRW Letter to Wisconsin DHS regarding COVID Vaccine Distribution System

Old fashioned typewriter with page load that says Press Release
Disability Rights Wisconsin has asked the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to reconsider their priority system for COVID vaccine distribution.   DRW requests equal access to all groups in phase 1b, including Family Care members, IRIS participants, and older Children’s Long Term Support (CLTS) and Katie Beckett recipients. Read the letter to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services here (accessible PDF).
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DRW Statement on the Inclusion of WoLF in WIPIIP

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
Read DRW’s full statement here (accessible PDF). Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) is the Protection and Advocacy agency for people with disabilities in the state of Wisconsin. DRW challenges systems and society to achieve positive changes in the lives of people with disabilities and their families through legal advocacy and changes to public policy. Our stated values include diversity, dignity, independence, accessibility, inclusion, human rights, and liberation. DRW was founded to end abuse and discrimination against…
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