
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

Press Release: Know Your Voter Rights

basket of stickers that say I Voted
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters with disabilities to make a plan to safely cast their ballot tomorrow. Approximately 23% of the electorate will be people with disabilities, according to the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). Many voters with disabilities report barriers to asserting their right to vote, and COVID-19 has created additional difficulties. The Disability Vote Coalition encourages voters to check MyVote Wisconsin for their polling place as it may have…
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Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition in the News

Vote button with stars and stripes
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition, a project of Disability Rights Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, is featured in a news story about voters with disabilities on the eve of the November election.  Read or watch the story:
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Rides to the Polls in Wisconsin

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Do you need a ride to the polls? This resource lists options for transportation for election day and early voting for the November 2020 election. 
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Know Your Voting Rights

Vote button with stars and stripes
As a person with a disability, it is your right to have a full and equal opportunity to register to vote, cast a ballot, and access disability related accommodations.  Check out the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition’s Know Your Voting Rights Fact Sheet to learn more.  This fact sheet is current for the November 2020 election.
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Press Release: Resources for Voters with Disabilities

I vote button
Contact: Barbara Beckert,, 414-292-2724 Voters with disabilities are historically underrepresented at the polls, and COVID-19 has created additional barriers. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is working to advance full participation of voters with disabilities and provide guidance on how to safely vote during the pandemic. Approximately 23% of the electorate will be people with disabilities, according to the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). Early voting begins in many communities today, October 20….
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Press Release: DRW Congratulates DHS on it’s New “Suspend Don’t Terminate” Medicaid Policy

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Disability Rights Wisconsin is extremely pleased with the Department of Health Services’ announcement that it will no longer terminate Medicaid eligibility for individuals for entering Wisconsin jails and prisons and will suspend their coverage instead. Read the full press release about this new policy.
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DRW Attorney co-authors article on working with survivors of violence

woman looking at screen with worried face
Nadya Rosen, Managing Attorney of the Victim Advocacy Program co-authored an article in the latest edition of Wisconsin Lawyer entitled, “Remote Hearings: How to Prepare Survivors of Violence.” As the COVID-19 pandemic has moved most courtrooms on-line, the authors provide tips and suggestions for how to effectively tell a client’s story and insure their safety. DRW’s Victim Advocacy Program works with survivors of crime with disabilities around the state of Wisconsin providing advice and advocacy…
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Seeking Comments on 2021 Proposed PADD Plan

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DRW invites you to comment on our plan to use the Federal funding we receive for our “Protection and Advocacy for people with Developmental Disabilities” (PADD) grant. The Goals and Priorities contained in this plan identify areas upon which we expect to devote our Federal PADD funding in 2021. To ensure consideration, comments should be received by November 30, 2020. Read our 2021 Proposed PADD plan.
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School Resource Officers Do Not Belong in Wisconsin’s Schools

Belt of police officer with handcuffs hanging off
Disability Rights Wisconsin has issued a statement recommending that Wisconsin schools stop relying on school resource officers (SROs) as a response to school violence and invest instead in appropriate school personnel and programs to address the needs and safety of students with disabilities. DRW Press Release: SROs Do Not Belong in Wisconsin Schools Full Statement: School Resource Officers Do Not Belong in Wisconsin Schools  
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DRAFT Ethical Framework for COVID-19 Treatment/Vaccines out for Public Comment

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Earlier this summer, the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (SDMAC) created an Ethics Subcommittee to develop and propose a statement of ethical principles for the distribution of scarce resources. Their charge included reviewing relevant resources including national and other state guidelines in order to identify and define generally agreed-upon principles to guide ethical decision making about allocating resources such as vaccines and therapeutics. Yesterday, the SDMAC Ethics Subcommittee posted a DRAFT Ethical Framework to Guide…
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