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For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

1 in 4 U.S. adults has a disability, CDC says

Centers for Disease control and prevention
New government research finds 61 million U.S. adults – about 1 in 4 Americans – have a disability that impacts a major part of their life. According to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common disability type, mobility, affects 1 in 7 adults. With age, disability becomes more common, affecting approximately 2 in 5 adults age 65 and older Read more about this story at CBS News.
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Wisconsin Program Offers Bike Rides to the Elderly, Disabled

Carolyn Brandeen rides in the front as Cathy Blackburn begins to pedal an electronically assisted three-wheeled bike during a training session in Janesville.
Trishaws are bringing the joys of bicycle riding to those who can no longer pedal. Losing the ability to walk on your own often means losing the ability to ride a bike for yourself, too. For the elderly who perhaps cannot eat or sleep well either, seeing nature on a bike path or feeling a fall air can make them feel young again Six members of the Janesville Velo Club recently learned how to pilot a trishaw,…
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Medicaid Expansion Leads to Higher Employment

A construction worker in a wheelchair
A new study found there is a higher rate of employment among people with disabilities in states where Medicaid has been expanded. People with disabilities are more likely to be employed in states where Medicaid coverage has been expanded as part of the Affordable Care Act. New research published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health found the number of people who report not working due to their disability has decreased significantly in states where…
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Upcoming Elections Information Postcard

The word, "Vote" on Scrabble tiles
DRW and the Wisconsin Disability Voting Coalition work to support full participation of voters with disabilities in the electoral process, and educate the disability community about voting rights and access issues.  We have developed this postcard about the 2018 elections, coming up August 14 and November 6.  We need your help get the word out to the disability community with the Disability Vote Coalition Postcard.  You can share the PDF with your email list, or on social…
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DRW Board Announces the Agency’s Leadership Change

Compass with leadership at top and dial pointing it.
Disability Rights Wisconsin Executive Director, Dan Idzikowski tendered his resignation which was accepted by the board leadership effective June 15, 2018. We are very appreciative of all that Dan has contributed to DRW during his tenure at the agency and thank him for his service. While the DRW board is in the process of developing a succession plan, Laura Hanson, the DRW Director of Operations and Quality, has agreed to be “acting director.” We are…
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Wisconsin DOJ Launches Elder Abuse Website

screenshot of purple wisconsin report elder abuse site
From Superior Telegram here is a link to the original post: An online resource offers Wisconsin residents a new option for reporting elder abuse. The website,, is the next phase in the Wisconsin Department of Justice’s campaign to raise awareness about elder abuse and encourage citizens to report abuse against seniors. “Elder abuse is drastically underreported, and it can be deadly,” said Attorney General Brad Schimel. “Studies show that even modest abuse increases the…
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Washington’s First Lobbyist with Down Syndrome Works to Help People with Disabilities

Kayla Mckeon smiling
As the first registered Washington lobbyist with Down syndrome, Kayla McKeon is fighting for change on behalf of people with disabilities across the country! Kayla began working as the Manager of Grassroots Advocacy for the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) in October, lobbying for laws that will make it easier for people with disabilities to be independent and thrive. She also hopes that her example will inspire other people with disabilities, especially people with Down syndrome, by…
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DRW provides comments to DHS on the proposed amendment to Wisconsin’s Family Care Waiver

Map of Wisconsin Tribes
DRW understands that the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has been working with the state’s 11 Federally recognized Tribes for a long time to find avenues to provide culturally sensitive and relevant long-term care services for Tribal members in the context of Wisconsin’s Family Care Waivers. These efforts require the balancing of federal requirements and Tribal sovereignty. Though there seem to be missing pieces to clarifying a complicated process, we are pleased to see…
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Youth Behavioral Health and Wellness Summit!

The Faces of Mental Health: Youth Behavioral Health and Wellness Summit
Attention vendors, wellness facilitators, panel members, volunteers and friends! We have two more days before The Faces of Mental Health-Youth Behavioral Health & Wellness Summit and the excitement is rising! Thank you all so much for taking part in this important event that brings youth behavioral health and wellness to the forefront.  You area valuable player! Next steps: Please share the event, and your participation in the event, with the families and children/youth you know, serve, work with and love. …
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DRW urges DHS to go back to the drawing board on its proposed “Medicaid Managed Care Quality Strategy.”

DHS Building
Reading the new Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ Medicaid Managed Care Quality Strategy, we at DRW found it to be broad and unspecific regarding what measures will be put in place and how theywill be carried out. The specific data collection methodologies are not listed. Thus, it is difficult to discern what DHS’s vision for quality measurement is. Our initial recommendation is that DHS withdraw this document and prepare one that complies with the mandates…
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