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All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

Denise Johnson testifying for AB168

Disability Rights Wisconsin Applauds Signing of AB168

Today, Governor Evers will sign into law AB 168 which addresses a significant barrier to voting for some voters with disabilities.  Wisconsin law requires voters…
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Voter in wheelchair uses accessible voting machine with others looking on

Wisconsin Voters with Disabilities Face Barriers

Accessibility continues to be a challenge for many Wisconsin voters with disabilities. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel took a look at the some of the barriers…
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Three CNA students gathered around a table, studying

DRW Supports Governor’s Veto of Bill Reducing Training for CNAs

DRW has issued a press release in support of The Governor’s veto of 2019 SB 103, a bill that would have reduced the training requirements…
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Wisconsin State Capitol

Disability Advocates Deliver Testimony on SB 527

Disability Advocates gathered at the Capitol today to delivery testimony supporting the changes to the current seclusion and restraint law.  These changes to the law…
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capitol outline with Make your voice heard in bold text

Testify at Seclusion and Restraint Hearing – Nov. 19th at 10 am

The Senate Education Committee is holding a hearing on Nov. 19th at 10 am in Room 411 S at the Capitol on SB 527- Changes…
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