Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

Public Hearing on Adoption
The Assembly Committee on Family Law is holding a public hearing regarding bills from the Speaker’s Task Force on Adoption. Disability Rights Wisconsin provided informational…

Mass Violence Legislation Scapegoats People with Mental Illness
The National Disability Rights Network joined over 20 national organizations including disability rights, civil rights, education, and privacy groups to express concerns about the Restoring,…

New Report Provides Strategies to Combat Mis-Incarceration of Children with Disabilities
The National Disability Rights Network has published a new report, “Probation Referral: Model for Diversion of Children and Youth with Disabilities from the Juvenile Justice…

2019 Karen Avery Forum – Pathways to Employment
Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force Invites you to our 2019 Karen Avery Forum Pathways to Employment: Opportunities, Rights and Resources -Awards Presentation- Tuesday November 12,…

Today is White Cane Safety Day
Nationally, this day celebrates independence and mobility for people who are blind. In Wisconsin, the #WhiteCaneLaw states that drivers must stop 10 feet or more…
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