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All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

Calendar, coffee cup and pen and paper sit on a table; scene is labeled Events.

Governor’s Budget Listening Session Oshkosh

Gov. Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes continue The People’s Budget Listening Session Tour on Tuesday, April 23, in Oshkosh  This is an opportunity…
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Calendar, coffee cup and pen and paper sit on a table; scene is labeled Events.

Governor’s Budget Listening Session Milwaukee

Gov. Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes continue The People’s Budget Listening Session Tour on Thursday, April 25, in Milwaukee.  This is an opportunity…
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Wisconsin State Capitol

DRW State Budget Recommendations

Disability Rights Wisconsin has reviewed the Governor’s budget for proposals that may be important to people with disabilities and their families. There is one more…
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Tony Evers, Chris L'Heureux, Kit Kerschensteiner, Lea Kitz, and Bill Crowley at Governor's office.

DRW Celebrates Governor’s Announcement on Caregiving Task Force

Disability Rights Wisconsin attended Governor Evers’ signing of an Executive Order to form a Caregiving Task Force on strengthening the direct care workforce and supporting…
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Wisconsin legislature at state capitol

DRW Joins Lawsuit to Prevent Enforcement of Bills Passed by Wisconsin Legislature

DRW has joined with the League of Women Voters, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities and several other plaintiffs to file a lawsuit today in Dane…
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