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All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.

The Latest from DRW

Wisconsin governor Tony Evers

Governor Evers Announces Dental Access Initiative

Governor Evers will give his budget address on February 28th. In advance of the budget address, some budget initiatives will be released. On February 11th,…
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Graduation cap with tassle

WCBVI 2019 Scholarship Opportunity

The Wisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually Impaired proudly announces our 2019 scholarship opportunity. The Council offers up to ten $2,000 scholarships for qualifying…
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Mental Health spelled out with Scrabble tiles

Wisconsin Teens Share Mental Health Challenges

Wisconsin teens will share their mental health challenges in a new Milwaukee PBS documentary that strives to open up conversations about youth mental health and…
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Many different kinds of adaptive phone equipment can be purchased through TEPP.

Adaptive Telephone Equipment Opens up Communication

Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP) is a statewide program that helps people with disabilities buy adaptive telephone equipment that they need to live independently. Our…
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Small girl with matching hat walking with parent on city street.

Affordable Housing for Adults with Disabilities

Wisconsin Public Radio talks to parents and advocates about housing options and supports for adults with disabilities, and how families are planning for transitioning to…
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