Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

Milwaukee County Crisis Redesign
On December 13th, a proposal to redesign crisis services in Milwaukee County was presented to the Mental Health Board. DRW will be reviewing the proposal…

Share Your Priorities for the Biennial Budget
Share your priorities for the biennial budget with Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes. They are holding 4 community sessions to get input…

Act Now – Call Governor Walker: 608-266-1212
The State Senate and Assembly have passed on party lines legislation (SB 886/ AB 1072) that will create significant bureaucratic layers and barriers to make…

DRW Challenges you to Plan the Possibility during Transition
Disability Rights Wisconsin is proud to announce the rollout of the Plan the Possibility project. This project is designed to promote a positive cultural change…

Contact State Legislators About Extraordinary Session Bills
Legislative leaders are fast-tracking a package of bills released late Friday. These bills would significantly limit the role of the new Governor, impact services that…
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