Our Vision
All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.
The Latest from DRW

DRW Challenges you to Plan the Possibility during Transition
Disability Rights Wisconsin is proud to announce the rollout of the Plan the Possibility project. This project is designed to promote a positive cultural change…

Contact State Legislators About Extraordinary Session Bills
Legislative leaders are fast-tracking a package of bills released late Friday. These bills would significantly limit the role of the new Governor, impact services that…

Act Now – Contact Your State Legislators
Special Session Bills Impact People with Disabilities Legislative leaders are trying to fast-track a package of bills released late Friday. These bills would significantly limit…

Extraordinary Session Puts Wisconsinites with Disabilities at Risk
Disability Rights Wisconsin is deeply concerned by the Legislature’s rush to push forward bills released late Friday in the Extraordinary Session planned for today. The…

DRW Comments to Wisconsin Election Commission
The Wisconsin Election Commission met in Madison today, and provided an opportunity for comments from members of the public. DRW Voting Outreach Advocacy Specialist Wendy…
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