
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

WPR Interview Regarding Investigations of Voting in Nursing Homes

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
Wisconsin Public Radio interviewed DRW’s Barbara Beckert regarding the investigations by the Racine County Sheriff of voting in nursing homes, and the voting rights of care facility residents. Read about the investigations of voting rights of care facility residents here via WPR here. Listen to WPR’s interview with Barbara Beckert here.
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Protect the Right to Vote

basket of stickers that say I Voted
The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy. Recent investigations have called into question the voting rights of care facility residents and people with cognitive impairments. As the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy system for our state, Disability Rights Wisconsin has a responsibility to set the record straight. This statement from DRW addresses the voting rights of care facility residents and people with cognitive impairments. Our policy makers have a responsibility to protect…
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2021 Medicare 101 Series

Pile of buttons with stars and stripes that say Medicare
This fall, learn more about Medicare with the Medicare 101 series. Each session will feature a special topic area of Medicare, such as Medigap plans, understanding fraud marketing, and more. Sessions are offered in-person or virtually throughout October and November. Upcoming Sessions All sessions will have a presentation on the basics of Medicare. For more information on specific sessions and to request accommodations, call (414) 289-6436. Download and share the 2021 Medicare 101 flyer with session…
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Now Hiring: FCIOP Intake Specialist

Smiling Black woman working on a call smiling into the camera.
The Family Care and IRIS Ombudsman Program is looking for an Intake Specialist. This 20-hour/week position is based in our Madison office. The specialist will be responsible for interviewing and assessing potential clients about sensitive and complex issues and determining appropriate next steps. This person will need strong time-management and multi-tasking skills. The deadline to apply is November 4th or until the position is filled. Become part of an amazing team who advocate for and…
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Climb for a Cause with Disability Rights Wisconsin!

Climb for a Cause with Disability Rights WI and Boulders! Text states: "Mark your calendars for Nov. 1st! Support DRW by purchasing a Boulders' Intro Package for half off! 100% of the proceeds from this sale will benefit DRW." A simple mountain is in the bottom right corner.
DRW is teaming up with Boulders Climbing Gym in Madison, WI as their November 2021 Climb for a Cause partner! You can help make a huge difference for people with disabilities while having a fun time climbing! Climb for a Cause is a part of Boulders’ larger Climb4Community initiative which aims to break down financial and cultural barriers to climbing. Help us get the word out to families and friends by downloading and sharing our…
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DRW seeks public comment on our 2022 plan for advocacy for people with IDD

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
DRW invites public comment on its 2022 plan for protection and advocacy on behalf of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These comments will be used in consideration for areas to devote our Federal PADD funding to. Goals that DRW plans on are: Decrease the risk of abuse and neglect of people with disabilities in institutions and the community. Ensure that people have access to high-quality, community-based support services and a long-term support system that…
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Social Security Administration during Covid-19 Pandemic

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
On behalf of the Social Security Administration (SSA), we want to let you know that during the current coronavirus pandemic, the SSA continues to provide help to you and others in your community. While their offices are not providing service to walk-in visitors due to COVID-19, SSA remains committed to providing ongoing benefits and vital services.  SSA asked me to let you know that they remain ready and able to help you by phone with…
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DRW welcomes addition of Client Assistance Program

A group of diverse people with disabilities
On September 15, 2021, Governor Tony Evers redesignated the Client Assistance Program (CAP) from the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) to Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW). The CAP program will now be housed with other Protection and Advocacy Programs and will no longer be under the umbrella of state government. The CAP serves people with disabilities and assists them with advice and information about benefits and services available under the Rehabilitation Act of…
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New Factsheet on COVID and School Safety Options

Young girl with braids wearing a crab-patterned mask.
Disability Rights Wisconsin and Family Voices of Wisconsin have partnered to create a family-friendly factsheet named “COVID and School Safety: Options for Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Conditions”. Many families of students with disabilities are struggling with decisions about school safety during COVID. The factsheet brings together options, resources, questions to ask, and whom to contact for help. View the COVID and School Safety factsheet here (accessible pdf).
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DRW Testimony in Support of AB 400

Old fashioned typewriter with page load that says Press Release
DRW’s Mitch Hagopian submitted testimony in support of AB 400 to the Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety. AB 400 will respond to abuse and neglect of some of the most vulnerable people in our state and will ensure that will ensure that all allegations of abuse and neglect of at-risk-adults will be investigated.  This legislation will make the adult-at-risk reporting system equivalent to the elder abuse system, which has always required that…
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