
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

Advancing Transportation Equity for Non-Drivers: A Conversation

Event photo for the Transportation Equity for Non-Drivers livestream. Event information is in post.
Event Information This moderated conversation will consider what challenges exist and steps that can be taken in creating transportation equity for non-drivers in Wisconsin. This conversation was created in partnership with The Big Share 2023, an all-day online fundraiser, March 7, sponsored by Community Shares of Wisconsin, that provides support to WCBVI and DRW. The event was broadcast via Facebook Live on both Disability Rights Wisconsin‘s and the Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually…
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Disability Advocacy Day Is March 2023

A group of disability advocates are standing in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol.
Disability Advocacy Day is a day-long event focused on connecting Self-Advocates with their legislators to talk about issues that matter to them. It is hosted by Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations. Join us in Madison for a briefing about disability issues and to meet with your legislators or staff! When Thursday, March 23, 2023 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM Registration Information Registration deadline is March 3rd. Registration is FREE – BUT you MUST register….
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Now Hiring: Staff Attorney, Victim Advocacy Program

Wooden figures of a family stand together, surrounded by a stethoscope and a judge's gavel and a scale of justice.
DRW is seeking a Staff Attorney for our Victim Advocacy Program! The attorney will work to ensure that survivors with disabilities receive the advocacy, legal representation, services, and support that they desire to move forward, find justice, and obtain safety and stability in whatever form they need. The Staff Attorney is responsible for providing direct and comprehensive representation to individuals with disabilities who have been victims of crime, such as domestic violence, sexual assault, dating…
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Now Hiring: Advocacy Specialist, Client Assistance Program

A series of multicolored chess pieces radiate out from the edge of the circle. The text states "Now Hiring"
DRW now has an open Advocacy Specialist position within our Client Assistance Program, which assists people with disabilities that have questions or concerns about services received through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or through an Independent Living Center. The Advocacy Specialist primarily works with clients, providing advocacy and/or representation to individuals statewide as part of our interdisciplinary Civil Rights team. The position will involve giving information, advice, and self-advocacy assistance over the phone, and representing…
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Now Hiring: Staff Attorney, Community & Institutions Team

A gavel and scales of justice sit on a desk.
Are you passionate about legal advocacy for people with disabilities within Wisconsin’s community-based or institutional settings?  We are now accepting applications for our open Staff Attorney position on our Community and Institutions Team within our Protection and Advocacy program. The Staff Attorney will be responsible for individual case practice, such as providing timely and effective legal assistance and representation on behalf of people with disabilities. They will also assist the C&I Team in DRW’s systems…
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DRW is part of The Big Share 2023 – Donate now through March 7

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW), a member organization of Community Shares Wisconsin, will be part of The Big Share 2023. The Big Share is Tuesday, March 7. This online day of giving is a fun and easy way to donate to Disability Rights Wisconsin and make change happen. Don’t wait until then, contribute now at our Big Share page. The Big Share is hosted by Community Shares of Wisconsin to support the organization’s nearly 70 nonprofit…
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Now Hiring: Office Coordinator

A collection of office supplies. The text says "Now Hiring"
DRW is looking for an administrative person who can go with the flow! Could that be you? We have an open position for an Office Coordinator based out of our Milwaukee office. The position is responsible for office administrative operations and coordination, ensuring that smooth operations, general appearances of the space, and organization of materials and functions are taken care of. The Office Coordinator will also be involved in collaborations with DRW staff in project…
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Now Hiring: Human Resources Manager

An outline of a person juggles multiple things. The text says "Now Hiring"
DRW is searching for a remarkable person to join our organization as the Human Resources Manager! DRW plans to transition from contracted HR to in-house HR. The new Human Resources Manager will have the opportunity to develop the position and will be responsible for all of DRW’s HR positions. These responsibilities include employee and supervisor support and communications, benefits administration, personnel policy management, compliance and reporting, personnel file and information management, salary determination support, and…
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2022 Home Upgrade Grant Program

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
Drafty home? High utility bills? Low-income seniors, veterans and people with disabilities who own their home may be eligible for a grant program for energy upgrades. Upgrades include insulation, gap sealing, air conditioning, and more. The program will be open until grant funding is used. Learn more about the 2022 Home Upgrade Grant Program. View the accessible 2022 Home Upgrade Grant flyer. Contact Katy Kraemer via phone at 414-604-6418 or via email at or Revitalize…
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Mental Health Advocates Needed

Members of the PAIMI Advisory Council meet online on Zoom.
The DRW PAIMI Advisory Council is seeking new members who want to advance positive change in for the rights of Wisconsinites with mental health diagnoses. DRW’s PAIMI program protects the human and civil rights of children and adults with serious mental health conditions. PAIMI stands for Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness. DRW’s PAIMI advocacy is supported by a PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC). DRW’s PAC members come from around the state. They educate…
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