Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.

Criminal Justice

scales of justice

People with disabilities are disproportionately entangled with the criminal justice system. The number of youth with disabilities in what has come to be called ‘the school to prison pipeline’ has grown with the advent of zero-tolerance policies. Access to accommodations is an imperative component of making sure justice is accessible to everyone. Even when convicted, people with disabilities may experience abuse, discrimination, treatment refusal or other neglect in correctional or psychiatric facilities.

Self-Advocacy Resources

Our self-advocacy resources have helpful guidance and further information on issues related to this topic. Learn more below:


Other places that may be able to help you:

  • Legal Action of Wisconsin DOES Project

    Legal Action of Wisconsin’s DOES project helps disabled offenders achieve economic security.

  • State Bar of Wisconsin

    The State Bar of Wisconsin brings together the expertise of Wisconsin lawyers to answer commonly asked legal questions and provide resources about Wisconsin law in easy-to-understand language.  The Bar also provides a Lawyer Referral Service.

  • Wisconsin Lawyer Lookup

    Look up a lawyer in the Wisconsin Court System.

Learn More

You can find more information on this topic from these websites and publications:


Want to do more to help protect individuals with disabilities? Please visit our Take Action Page for some ideas and to sign up for news and other alerts from our website. Or Donate Now to help protect and advocate for the rights and futures of all Wisconsin citizens. We'd love to have you join us.

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