Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.


protesters march against discriminatory changes to bus stops

Workers and residents with disabilities in Wisconsin may face discrimination in areas such as employment or housing. An employee may be discriminated against during the hiring process or in the terms and conditions of a job while working, or may be fired for discriminatory reasons based on their disability. Housing discrimination can include being denied an apartment due to inadequate access, because of a no pet policy, or because of the discriminatory attitudes of a landlord.

You have a right to not face discrimination in your job or your housing, and DRW works to ensure that all workers and residents with disabilities are treated with equality and dignity and given adequate access and accommodations at work and at home. Our goal is to ensure that your rights are protected and respected.


Disability Rights Wisconsin aims to protect people with disabilities from disability discrimination and violation of rights through individual, legal, and systemic advocacy. Our teams of attorneys take on numerous cases relating to the civil rights of people with disabilities, and always work to promote the best possible opportunities and outcomes for their clients.

Your Rights

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as other laws such as the Fair Housing Act, prohibit discrimination and guarantee that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to enjoy employment opportunities, purchase goods and services, and participate in State and local government programs and services. Understanding your rights is an important first step to ensuring you are receiving the care, resources, services, and supports to which you are entitled.

Self-Advocacy Resources

Our self-advocacy resources have helpful guidance and further information on issues related to this topic. Learn more below:


Other places that may be able to help you:

  • ADA Information Line

    The Department of Justice operates a toll-free ADA Information Line to provide information and materials to the public about the Americans with Disabilities Act, including information on how to file an ADA complaint.

  • Civil Rights Compliance Information

    The Department of Health Services Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) Office works with those that receive federal financial assistance through the Department to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, regulations and departmental policies and procedures prohibiting discrimination in employment and service delivery.

  • Community Justice Inc: Lawyers For Everyday People

    A law firm that represents low-income individuals and families involved in landlord/tenant, disability and mental health, employment, family, child welfare, education, discrimination, consumer/credit, land use, environmental issues.

  • Consumer’s Guide to Legal Help is provided as a public service by the American Bar Association’s Division for Legal Services. While the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not legal advice or legal representation.

  • Free Legal Answers

    American Bar Association

  • Great Lakes ADA Center

    The Great Lakes ADA Center’s mission is to increase awareness and knowledge with the ultimate goal of achieving voluntary compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  • Job Accommodation Network

    The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.

  • Legal Action of Wisconsin DOES Project

    Legal Action of Wisconsin’s DOES project helps disabled offenders achieve economic security.

  • Legal Aid Society

    The Legal Aid Society helps with a variety of civil legal issues including housing and civil rights. They may get involved in actions against state or local governments and some private entities on issues affecting low-income Milwaukee County residents.

  • State Bar of Wisconsin

    The State Bar of Wisconsin brings together the expertise of Wisconsin lawyers to answer commonly asked legal questions and provide resources about Wisconsin law in easy-to-understand language.  The Bar also provides a Lawyer Referral Service.

  • Wisconsin Judicare Inc.

    Serves low-income people in 33 northern counties of WI. Handles cases involving bankruptcy, social security and SSI, family law, health, housing, income maintenance, wills, and Indian law.

  • Wisconsin Lawyer Lookup

    Look up a lawyer in the Wisconsin Court System.

Learn More

You can find more information on this topic from these websites and publications:


Want to do more to help protect individuals with disabilities? Please visit our Take Action Page for some ideas and to sign up for news and other alerts from our website. Or Donate Now to help protect and advocate for the rights and futures of all Wisconsin citizens. We'd love to have you join us.

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Need further information or support? Please visit our Contact Page.