Medicare Part D Helpline will close 5 p.m. December 20, 2024.
See our Medicare Part D Helpline is Closing Post for more info.


teacher in classroom teaching kids sign language

Education services are available for children, starting at age three, and through age 21 who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides the legal grounds for children with disabilities to receive a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment possible. These services are administered by the school district where the child lives.


Disability Rights Wisconsin is a champion of the rights of children to have access to a free public education, regardless of their disability status. Our advocates have represented many children with disabilities and their parents in ensuring that children are treated with dignity and respect, and are awarded their full legal protections. We have also supported and helped craft legislation to combat unlawful seclusion and restraint in public schools.

Self-Advocacy Resources

Our self-advocacy resources have helpful guidance and further information on issues related to this topic. Learn more below:


Other places that may be able to help you:

  • CESA

    CESAs serve educational needs in all areas of Wisconsin by serving as a link between school districts and between school districts and the state.

  • Civil Rights Compliance Information

    The Department of Health Services Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) Office works with those that receive federal financial assistance through the Department to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, regulations and departmental policies and procedures prohibiting discrimination in employment and service delivery.

  • Department of Public Instruction

    The Department of Public Instruction is the state agency that advances public education and libraries in Wisconsin.

Learn More

You can find more information on this topic from these websites and publications:


Want to do more to help protect individuals with disabilities? Please visit our Take Action Page for some ideas and to sign up for news and other alerts from our website. Or Donate Now to help protect and advocate for the rights and futures of all Wisconsin citizens. We'd love to have you join us.

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Need further information or support? Please visit our Contact Page.