
For information on DRW news, events, or press releases, please contact:

For information on DRW action alerts, public policy, or voting efforts, please contact:
Lisa Hassenstab at 608-308-2639 or

Longtime DRW Attorney Mitch Hagopian Retires

Mitch Hagopian, an older man with a beard and glasses, sits at a conference table while smiling into the camera.
View an accessible PDF of this article here. Mitch Hagopian came to the Wisconsin Coalition for Advocacy (now Disability Rights Wisconsin) 21 years ago to provide legal assistance and advocacy to persons with disabilities. His experience providing legal assistance to the elderly and to people in rural western Wisconsin, as well as his desire to improve the lives of people with disabilities and break down systemic challenges, brought him to DRW.  Mitch retires today and…
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Guardianship & Voting: Keeping and Restoring the Right to Vote

A book is open on a desk with a magnifying glass on top of it and a scales of justice in the background.
In Wisconsin, adults under guardianship retain the right to vote unless the court has expressly removed that right. Only a court can take away the right to vote. An individual who has lost the right to vote can petition the court to have their right to vote restored. This new video discusses guardianship and voting in Wisconsin, and how to keep and restore the right to vote. The video includes an ASL interpreter and captioning….
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Survey: COVID-19 & People with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities

A pair of hands type away at a laptop computer.
From our partners at the Waisman Center: Survey Research Opportunity: How is COVID-19 Impacting People with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities in Wisconsin? We want to learn about how COVID-19 and the pandemic impacted the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Wisconsin. If you are a person with an intellectual and developmental disability OR a care partner, you can complete the survey. Please take our online survey that will take you about 20…
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New Guide: Overview of DHA Hearing Process for CLTS Service Cases

child with a disability on an accessible swing having fun with parent
Not getting what your child needs from the CLTS Waiver? You can fight back. DRW has published a free, common sense, plain language guide to representing your child at a hearing to challenge a denial of CLTS services. This is a step-by-step guide through the whole process — from asking for a hearing all the way through the hearing itself. You don’t have to be a lawyer to do a great job representing your child…
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Disability Rights and Resources for the November 8th Election

A ballot with a checkmark is sticking out from a box that says "Vote."
Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters with disabilities to cast a ballot and participate in our democracy. The Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) Voter Hotline is available to answer your voting questions. Contact the Hotline at 844-DIS-VOTE/ 844-347-8683 or On Election Day, staff from DRW and Centers for Independent Living will conduct polling place accessibility reviews on behalf of the Wisconsin Election Commission. View press release…
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Comment on DRW’s Statement of PADD Goals and Priorities for 2023

Black computer keyboard.
DRW is currently seeking input on our proposed Statement of Goals and Priorities to protect and advocate on behalf of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in 2023. The goals and priorities, contained within our plan for federal funding that we receive for protection and advocacy for people with developmental disabilities, identify areas where we expect to devote the funding. View the proposed Statement of Goals and Priorities for 2023 here (accessible PDF). Submitting Comments…
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Now Hiring: Staff Attorney, Victim Advocacy Program

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
DRW is seeking a Staff Attorney for our Victim Advocacy Program! This new position will work to ensure that survivors with disabilities receive the advocacy, legal representation, services, and support that they desire to move forward, find justice, and obtain safety and stability in whatever form they need. The Staff Attorney is responsible for providing direct and comprehensive representation to individuals with disabilities who have been victims of crime, such as domestic violence, sexual assault,…
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Now Hiring: Advocacy Specialist, Victim Advocacy Program

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
DRW is seeking an Advocacy Specialist for our Victim Advocacy Program! This new position will work to ensure that survivors with disabilities receive the advocacy, legal representation, services, and support that they desire to move forward, find justice, and obtain safety and stability in whatever form they need. The Advocacy Specialist is responsible for providing direct advocacy assistance to individuals with disabilities who have been victims of crime on a variety of disability-related and victim…
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New Guardianship and Voting Resources

A book is open on a desk with a magnifying glass on top of it and a scales of justice in the background.
In Wisconsin, people under guardianship retain the right to vote unless the court expressly removes that right. Wisconsin residents who have lost the right to vote due to guardianship may petition the court to restore their right to vote. Disability Rights Wisconsin is pleased to introduce new resources on the topic of Guardianship and Voting: Preserving and Restoring the Right to Vote. These resources explain how people under guardianship can determine if they have retained…
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How I Got My Right to Vote Back: A Message from Jennifer Kratsch

Scrabble tiles spell the word News; a stack of newspapers is in the background
In this video, self-advocate Jennifer Kratsch shares how she got her right to vote back. In Wisconsin, people under guardianship retain the right to vote unless the court removes the right. If you have lost the right to vote, you can petition the court to restore your voting rights, as Jen did. Watch the video on Youtube here.
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